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i dragged my feet back to jack's room to find him asleep. again.

i let out a sigh before spinning around and back out into the hallway to venture out for sam.

my hands massaged my temples as stopped and leaned against a wall.

why am i going out of my way for this boy?

i just recently met him, he disrespected me, why do i care so much?

i contemplated my actions before going back to jack's room.

"sorry jack." i muttered as i began to write a note to him on why i left.

once i was finished i put it on his bedside table before grabbing my bag and rushed out of the room.

as i walked out of the hospital doors, i noticed sam a few feet away perched on the tail-gate of what I'm guessing is his truck.

i stood there staring at him debating on wether or not I should confront him.

as he noticed my presence, his eyes shot up sharply to stare right into mine.

he had no expression on his face, nor in his eyes.

the one thing I did notice was the reddish purple ring around his eyes.

poor boy I thought.

he didn't even move, or say anything, just sat on the tail-gate and stared.

what was even more un-nerving was the fact that he never even broke the stare.

car doors slammed as people got into their car that was parked next to him.

not even a flinch, not even a glance.

a chill ran down my spine as i looked away and hurriedly walked towards my car while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

as i walked, i could still feel his eyes burning into the back of my head.

i quickened up my pace and clumsily pressed the unlock button on my car keys.

once i got into the drivers side and shut the door, i let out a big breathe i didn't even know i was holding.

as i turned around to back out of my parking space, i still saw him.

i knew he was staring straight at me, even though it was past eight and was getting dark.

he still managed to find my eyes through the dark shadow that was covering them.

i fleeted the parking lot and turned onto the main highway, desperate to get home.

IMPORTANT AN PLEASE READ; this is short and sucks ass I'm sorry (i say that about all my chapters) but tbh i need to step up my game. i haven't really been updating (as of course i bet you guys have noticed) and i haven't really been paying attention to the fact that tons of people actually read my books and count on me to update them, so I'm going to attempt to update more. school starts monday and i don't really know if that will mean ill be updating more frequently or not?? (I'm dumb as shit I'm sorry again) last year when i had like 50 followers i would update my books like every single minute because i was excited that i was getting more followers. it honestly still amazes me how much we've grown throughout the past couple of months. i always say this but you guys really mean most to me. isn't ironic that when nobody read my books i updated them all the time but now that i have 30k and over reads i like never update? I've had a super busy summer I'm sorry (for like the third fucking time).

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