Coffee (3)

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The next day I wake up and sit up, what time is it..?  I look at my phone, its 5am, I have about 3 hours to get coffee and a shower before class. I get up and walk towards the door as Alex wakes up. "oh, hey! I was gonna go get some coffee if you want any?" he looks at me and shakes his head, yes, tiredly.

"yea can you get me a quad long shot grande in a venti cup half calf double cupped no sleeve salted caramel mocha latte with 2 pumps of vanilla substitute 2 pumps of white chocolate mocha for mocha and substitute 2 pumps of hazelnut for toffee nut half whole milk and half breve with no whipped cream extra hot extra foam extra caramel drizzle extra salt add a scoop of vanilla bean powder with light ice well stirred." I just stand there in pure shock for a second, what the fuck..? "can you just text it to me?" I say after a few minutes of just staring at him "yea sure.. I don't have your number.." I just stand for a second am I really about to get his number?? I think to myself, I may have forgotten that I didn't have his number but getting it is still exciting all the same. 

When I get his text I head to the coffee shop, I'm walking down the street and take a breath for what feels like the first time in 10 minutes.

I finally get to a shop and start ordering his first since mine is shorter, "i'm so sorry in advance.." I say to the server and start ordering alex's big ass order. the barista looks like shes going to cry and I feel super bad for her. I grab our drinks when they get done and I can already taste the spit in our drinks. 

I get back to the dorm and set his drink down on his bedside table. "I think you got our drinks spit in." I say and plop on my bed "damn.. oh well" I roll my eyes and sip my coffee.

by the time I finish my coffee its 6:30am so I take a shower and Alex goes to class, when I get out of the shower its almost 7am so I just sit around until class.


Its about a month later and a LOT has happened, Alexander introduced me to his friends which was fun and me and him are closer then me and peggy which she isn't complaining about because that gives her more time with her roommate Maria Reynolds. Flirting has become an ongoing joke between me and Alex, and it's amazing, we've been getting more and more bold with the flirting and right now we're at the calling each other pet names stage. 

Right now I'm sitting in bed because I dont have any classes today. Alex is getting the coffee this time which is awesome because his order scares me, anyway I'm waiting for him to get back when peggy texts me

Pegz: She kissed me!!

Turtles4lief: wait what?? I thought she was dating James??

Pegz: He's a beard so her dad doesn't find out she's gay..

Turtles4lief: Thats kinda sad.. but its good for you!

Pegz: We should party tn 100%

Turtles4lief: yess omg, me and alex's? 

Pegz: sure, cya at like 8pm?

Turtles4lief: Sounds good, cya

Almost as soon as I put my phone down alexander walks in with our coffee "party here at 8pm, Peggy and Maria kissed" I say and his mouth hangs opened for a second "alrighttt, I'll invite laf and mulligan," I shake my head and sip my coffee "maybe they aren't the only one's that'll kiss-" I spit my coffee out and cough a bit "damn, forward much.." I say when I finally get done coughing. "well you're bright red so it worked" he teases as he gets ready to go to class and I roll my eyes. "Shoo go to class" I say as he's walking out the door "mk, whatever you say" I get a bit disappointed when he actually walks out the door. damnit why can't these things last forever? I guess i'm gonna be disappointed for a while because that's never going to happen.

for the rest of the day I just sulk, until 7:30 when Peggy and maria come in, and damn, they are all over eachother. our friend group pours in and eventually everyone is in and drunk off their asses. 

"guys. we should play truth or dare." I hear Angie slur out and then I hear other people agree. 

We all sit down, Alex right beside me, our knees touching because we have our legs crossed and we're on the floor. 

"I'll go first.. John, t or d?" Angie slurs out once again and I think for a moment. "dare, I ain't no bitchh" I say quickly, "I dare you to kiss Alex" Angie says almost immediately "wow.. nevermind I- I am a bitch.." I stumble over my words "aww why" Alex says and I look at him "what.. what do you mean..?" he grabs my chin and leans in "you know what I mean.." He says and at this point everyone is chanting "kiss" so.. we do. and its amazing, and he's really drunk, and he doesn't know what he's doing, shit he doesn't know what he's doing. I pull away as soon as I realise "Alex you're way drunker then me.. I can't do that to you.." he raises an eyebrow and at this point everyone is side tracted. "but I want this.." he slurs "yes but you're drunk and you might not know what you want.." I explain and he nods "but if I remember this I'm totally kissing youu" I blush a bit more and continue hanging out and talking. 

A few hours later and everyone left, Alexander is passed out on the floor and I am cleaning up. I pick the small man up and lay him in his bed. I get done cleaning, turn the light off and try to sleep. Shit I can't believe I let him do that.. he's 100% gonna regret it if he remembers.. but he might not.. hopefully he wont. I close my eyes finaly and start to fall asleep after what feels like hours of overthinking. I hear him move around a bit and he starts snoring which makes my sleeping go away for an hour longer, i've gotten a bit used to it but it still makes my sleeping harder. But eventually I fall asleep and have a peacful-ish night, Alexander still snoring in the background.

A/n god this took me forever and its only 1100 words- I'm tired as hell so I'm gonna sleep, hope you liked it cuz it took me like 3 hours.. anywayyy I'm opened to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please don't be rude about it, and don't be rude to anyone else. luv ya'llll <33

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