Part 14

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Ragini felt embarrassed and shy. The moments she shared with Karanveer made her heart flutter, but she avoided him, not knowing how to deal with the growing attraction she felt. Karanveer, on the other hand, was getting increasingly frustrated by her evasiveness.

Throughout the morning, Ragini spoke with everyone at home, laughing and chatting easily. But whenever Karanveer tried to say something to her, she would make an excuse and leave. He noticed this pattern and it started to irk him more with each passing minute.

By noon, his patience had worn thin. "Where is Ragini?" he asked the maid who walked into their room delivering his coffee.

"Choti malkin badi malkin ke sath mandir gayi hui hai," the maid answered politely

He couldn't understand why she was avoiding him, especially after the moments they had shared.

Karanveer took a sip of his coffee, trying to calm himself down, but the bitterness of the drink only seemed to amplify his mood. He put the cup down with a clink, staring out of the window, lost in thought. 

As Ragini and Anditha returned from the temple, Karanveer finally thought this was his chance to talk to Ragini. However, Ragini went straight to the kitchen to prepare dinner, leaving him feeling even more frustrated.

At the dining table, everyone seemed to notice Karanveer's sour mood, apart from his dear wife, who was busy serving the food. Karanveer placed his spoon on the table with a loud clatter, catching everyone's attention.

"What's wrong with you?" Anditha asked, irritated by his behavior.

Karanveer didn't know how to reply. He opened his mouth, but Mihir beat him to it. "Maybe he's just sulking because he's still sick and not getting the attention he wants," Mihir teased and karanveer's eye shot up in surprise but he quickly covered looking down at food

Anditha shot Mihir a sharp look. "Oh, please, Mihir. Maybe if you actually helped Karanveer instead of joking about it, he'd be in a better mood," she replied, her tone firm.

Mihir raised an eyebrow, not backing down. "At least I tried to cheer him up. Unlike you, who keeps nagging about every little thing."

Anditha crossed her arms, clearly annoyed. "Nagging? I wouldn't have to if you didn't keep forgetting your things."

"It was one time," Mihir tried to justify.

"It's always something," Anditha shot back. "Who was the one who kept his medicines in the washroom cabinet instead of the bedside drawer?"

"It was by mistake," Mihir defended.

"And who was the one who wore red and black socks together?" she poked, and Mihir huffed in exasperation.

Arjun leaned over to Manvi, whispering, "Today's temperature is really hot, isn't it?"

Manvi giggled softly, nodding in agreement. "Definitely. Someone needs to cool down," she whispered back, glancing at Anditha and Mihir. 

After an eventful dinner, everyone retired to their rooms, but Ragini was still not there. Karanveer was on the thin line of patience now. He had been wanting a chance to speak with her for the past two days. The previous night she had gotten drunk, then the next day she fell sick, and now today she had been avoiding him.

Having had enough, Karanveer decided to drag her back to their room. As he approached the kitchen, he heard giggles. Ragini was speaking with a few maids.

"Ragini," he called out, his voice firm.

She looked at him, surprised. "You need something?" she asked.

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