Chapter seven

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Taylors pov:

It's been a couple weeks since Lori passed away. Carl and I have been taking care of the baby since then. She still has no name.

Rick as rarely come out of his cell, he's really depressed. I don't blame him that would be hard to loose your wife.

Carl and I are sitting in the cafeteria feeding the baby her formula. Then Rick walks in... He looks like shit but he comes over to Carl and I. He smiles and takes the baby from Carls hands.

Carl looks at me a little un sure of what he's going to do to her because he has went a little crazy lately. But Rick just holds her in his arms and rocks her back and forth with a big smile on his face.

"Have you named her yet?" He asks Carl.

"It's not my baby why would I name her?" He says confused

"I want you to name her, It's your baby sister" He smiles

He puts her back into Carl arms and walks away.

"I have no clue what to name her..."

I laugh "What about Judith?"

"That's perfect!!!" He shouts.

"Welcome to the family Judith" Carl whispers to her.

This is such a cute moment. Carls going to make such a good big brother.

Carl kisses me out of no where "I love you" He whispers in my ear

Woah... we haven't said the L word yet.. it doesn't feel to soon so I say it back

"I love you too" I smile and bite my lip.

"We should give Judith a bath Michonne got some baby soap and stuff" He smiles

"Alright lets give her a bath" I smile back.

We into the kitchen and turn on the tap to warm but not to warm or not to cold water. We set her in the sink. While Carl holds her I wash her body and her little baby hairs. She smells so good, Like a new fresh little baby. I love that smell.

Carl keeps smiling at me. Then he starts to kiss my neck then he finds my lips. I kiss him back until I realize he still has Judith in his hands.

"Carl.. Stop" I giggle

"Oh shit I forgot Judith was in my hands" He laughs.

I wrap Judith in a towel and dry her off.

I grab the clothes off the counter Michonne brought back from her run. It was a pair of little wee brown Ugg boots, little small black leggings and a black and pink Roots sweater. Then I grab the baby powder and a diaper.

"Here want to put some baby powder on her bum for me?" I laugh and hand him the bottle

"Sure" He laughs.

I put her diaper on then get her dressed. God she's so adorable! I wish she was my little sister.

Carl looks at me and smiles. Suddenly someone grabs me from behind.

"Hello sweetie" Some old man with an eye patch whispers in my ear.

I watch two men take Carl down "Let her go you old fucking creep!" He screams at the man that's holding me.

Judith is sitting in her feeding chair screaming and crying.

"Shut it you little baby or I'll fucking shoot you" The man yells

Judith screams even louder...

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