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I stared at my mother, her sitting on the other side of the couch. She looked perfectly fine no eye bags nothing signaling that she just lost her husband, I asked Kaji not to come here when I talked to her.

"I want the truth mom did you ever love my dad?" I wasn't gonna sugar coat shit, I just wanted the truth. She sighed and moved her straightened hair to her back.

"No" I wanted to scream at her, "why were you with him then?" "For you we had a one night stand I got pregnant and then we started dating I've stayed with him for you, I married him for you Storm."

She tried touching me but I slapped her hand away, "I'm not a child anymore! You could have left him or something instead you stayed with him! You knew he loved you, you knew and yet you never loved him back and used him!"

"I didn't use him." "Yes you did!" I felt like I was going crazy, "is the friend you're staying with even a girl?" "No it's the dude I've been dating for 3 years."

"Get out!" I don't care if this is her house she just needs to leave, "get out! Get out and don't bring that shitty man around me either or I'm gonna shoot him with my dad's gun."

I pushed her outside and locked the door, my emotions were everywhere. I was sad, mad, confused, and hurt. How could she sit in my dad's face for so long and pretend she loved him?

I never understood why somebody couldn't leave the person they no longer love, why do you need to cheat? If you no longer love them just leave. Cheating will only hurt them more, but yet that's a lot of people's first option.

I sat in my rocking chair eating Oreo ice cream, watching avatar yet again. My phone started to ring and I looked at the contact, it was a random number. I ignored it but it called me 5 more times.

"What do you want?" I said to whoever was on the line, "are you jays son?" "Who?" "My bad Javons son" "yeah who's asking." I don't need no mysterious person calling me talking bout are you Javons son.

"I'm his brother Jerome" my dad never told me he had a brother so this sounded suspicious, "my dad don't got a brother" I said taking another bite of my ice cream, "damn he ain't tell you bout me he weird."

The man chuckled on the phone, I'm tired of talking to him now. "Ok so can you just cut to what you want Jerome that's supposedly my dad's brother that he never talked about."

"Just like yo daddy I see, well I heard what yo moms did. And let's just say are family is pissed, they also never knew he had a son which made them more mad. So they want to meet you, you don't gotta come you can even bring a friend or sum, we gonna be at foster park on Saturday we wanna celebrate yo pops life so it would mean a lot if you could come."

"I'll think about it" "ok see you mini Javon" and with that he hung up, it was Friday so I have today to think about if I wanna go.

I'ma bring Kaji if I do, I'm kinda scared to meet my dad's side. He's never talked about them like not at all, probably only about his mom and how she made the best pecan pie.

Other than that he never brung up anybody else. I called Kaji and asked if he can come over, see I was gonna go to school today but then realized I need to talk to my momma first

"Wassup baby how the talk with yo moms go?" "Horrible she said she never loved him, and she's been dating somebody for three years Kaji!" I was still hella mad about that.

Cause three years? "Damn that's fucked up" he laid down beside me, his head laying on stomach. I touched his braids he need some new braids these look hella old.

𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝕸𝖞 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊Where stories live. Discover now