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(???'s POV )

I told her to call me J then I left her.

"There you are son.",my dad says,"where have you been?"

"I was in the woods....again..",I answer him.

"I smell a girl's sent on you.",he says.

"I found my second chance mate.",I say.

"Oh...,what pack is she in?",he asks me.

"Blood Moon pack.",I answer him.

He nods and he walks to his office,probably calling the Blood Moon pack to have her dropped  off here so we can get to know each other.

I stiffened,a message from my dad.
"The Alfa of the Blood Moon pack is wondering what her wolf looked like."

"Her wolf was snow white.",I tell him in our mind link.

"The Alfa says that is Rain,she is the only wolf in that pack that has a white wolf."

She has a beautiful name..

My wolf says.

I smile.

"When will he send her here?",I mind link my dad.

"That depends if she wants to come..",my dad answers.


My wolf says.

(Rain's POV )

The Alfa called and asked me if I wanted to go and meet the Alfa of the Silver Moon pack.

He said I had a few moments to think about it.

He called me again and he asked,"Do you want to?"

I say,"Okay?"

The Alfa hangs up on me and I walk down stairs to my mom.

"The Alfa told me that your going to meet the Alfa of The Silver Moon pack.",she says.

I nod,she pulled me into a hug and said,"The Alfa said that you'd also be moving in there so I have to tell you something..."

(A few minutes later...)

"What?!",I yelled.

"Your not really my daughter...,you were sent by the Moon goddess,you are her daughter.",she says.

I froze.

"I-I-I'm the Moon Goddess's daughter?",I mumble,then I pass out from shock.

Note: Hope you like it!

Thank you for reading.


( That is J/Jack's pic and his wolf.)


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