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(Hank's POV )( X33)

I walked to my room with Jade,my 2nd chance mate,which I net a few weeks ago.

I open the door to see Cindy,the school's hoe on my bed.

Jade growls,"Why is she here?"

"Oh what ever Jade,Hank is my mate.",Cindy says,walking over to me,taking off her shirt.

I sigh,not looking down at her chest and I growl,"Get.Out.Of.My.Room.Now!"

"Aww....why, don't you miss me?",Cindy asks as she puts her hand on my left arm since Jade is next to my right arm.

"I don't miss you.,and I want you out now.",I growl,getting angrier by the second.

"Just because this hoe is here do want mean you can have fun with me...",Cindy says,glareing sharp dagger at Jade.

"Me a hoe?",Jade asks,really angry.

"Yeah you are a hoe.",Cindy says.

"Excuse me?!,I don't dress like a hoe,I don't act like a hoe and I didn't lose my innocence when I was 13!!",Jade growls angerly.

Cindy gasps,"How did you know?"

"Well...when your a hoe,words goes around the school of when you lost your innocence.",Jade says,pulling Cindy out of the room by her long Brown hair.

I toss Cindy her white shirt as Cindy rolled down the stairs.

"Sorry about her Jade.",I say.

"Did you do her?",she asks,hurt in her voice.

"No I didn't.",I say,telling the truth.

"Then why did she say do you miss me?",Jade asks,a tear rolls down her face.

"Because that is what that hoe does,she day dreams about a guy doing her then she walk to their house and expects him to do her nasty as-",I was interrupted by Jade kissing me.

"Don't say another word...",she says.

"Wh-",I started to say but she interrupted me again.

"Not another word...come with me.",she says,pulling me into a hug and I close the door.
Omg 200 reads so far omg omg omg!!

I'm so happy!

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