23 - hi bye, mama!

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i was pacing back and forth in front of the bookstore, my mind racing with worry. i had tried calling riki and eunjin multiple times, but both their phones were off. it wasn't like them to just disappear like this, and the fact that riki's mom had called me out of concern only made me more anxious. i had to find them, but i couldn't do it alone.

i pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts, hesitating for just a moment before calling jake. he picked up on the second ring.

"yoonji? what's up?" his voice was warm, as always, but i could hear the concern in it.

"jake- i need your help," i blurted out, not bothering with any pleasantries. "riki and eunjin are missing—well, okay. not missing, but i can't really reach them, and i'm starting to get really worried. their phones are off, and i don't know where they are."

jake was silent for a moment, processing what i'd said. "okay, don't worry. i'll help you look for them. where do you want to start?"

"can you come to the bookstore? we can figure out a plan from here."

"i'm on my way." he said, and hung up.

i felt a tiny bit of relief knowing that jake was coming to help. but that relief was short-lived when i saw him pull up in front of the store a few minutes later—with ken in the passenger seat.

i blinked, feeling my stomach tighten. jake hadn't mentioned bringing ken, and as much as i appreciated the extra help, i couldn't ignore the awkwardness that settled over me as they both got out of the car.

"heyyy, you okay?" jake said as he approached, trying to keep things light. "i figured ken might be able to help too."

i forced a smile, though i could feel the tension creeping in. "yeah, sure. thanks, ken."

ken just gave me a nod, but i could see the flicker of something in his eyes—something i didn't want to think about too much. i wasn't sure how this was going to go, but i didn't have time to dwell on it. we had to find riki and eunjin.

"let's get going." i said, trying to focus on the task at hand.

we all piled into ken's car, with me in the back seat, jake in the front passenger seat, and ken behind the wheel. the tension in the air was thick, but i tried to ignore it as ken started driving. we were all quiet, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the occasional click of the turn signal.

then, out of nowhere, ken's phone rang. it was connected to the car's bluetooth, so the call came through the speakers. i recognized the caller id immediately—his mom.

"heyyy, mom." ken answered, his tone polite but distracted.

"oh, kenken! i'm so glad i caught you," his mom's voice chirped through the speakers, loud and clear. "i just wanted to remind you about the dinner next weekend. your father and i are so excited to meet the koo's again! we're all so excited about all your wedding plans!"

my heart dropped, and i could feel the color drain from my face. i glanced at jake, who looked just as confused as i felt. this was so not the time for this.

ken cleared his throat, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "m-mom, i'm kind of busy right now. can we talk about this later?"

"oh, i'm sorry, dear. i just couldn't help myself ... malou and i have been talking all about it! anyway, i'll let you go. just don't forget about the dinner! love you!"

"yeah, love you too, mom." ken muttered, quickly ending the call.

the car fell into an uncomfortable silence. i could feel jake's eyes on me, and i knew i had to say something before he jumped to the wrong conclusion.

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