Chapter 1

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We met completely by accident on our very first night at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We were bother crying;him because he was in Slytherin,me because I was not. The Sorting Hat had denied both of our wishes and placed us where it saw fit. I wanted Slytherin and Draco wanted anything but. We had both gone running from our new dormitories in search of a safe place to cry alone. Somehow we found ourselves in the Room of Requirement.
"Who-who's there?" Draco called. He tried to appear tough but his voice was cracking.
"I'm sorry." I cried. "I thought I was alone."

I turned to run but he grabbed my arm. I got extremely frightened because I was alone with Draco Malfoy and I just knew he was going to kill me.
"P-please don't hurt me."
"Hurt you? Why on earth would I do that?!" He replied.
"Y-your Draco Malfoy."
"Yes I am. Who are you?"
"Emmeline. Emmeline Brooks. Ravenclaw."
"Ravenclaw. Lucky. I'd give my left arm to be there."
"Your the lucky one. You got Slytherin."
"What kind of name is Emmeline anyway?"
"My mum really liked the Anne of Green Gables movies so she named me after one of the lesser known characters. "
"What's Anne of Green Gables?"
"Its a movie."
"A movie?"
"A muggle thing."
"Oh so you're muggleborn?"
"No I'm a halfblood. Sort of. My mum was muggleborn and my dad was a halfblood so I don't know what that makes me really."
"My father says I am to loath muggleborns. Mudbloods as he calls them. He says I am only to associate with Purebloods like Crabbe and Goyle."
"But you don't agree?"
"No. Why should blood status matter? We are all the same really."
"Is that why you're crying?"
"I guess. I really thought that if I could convince the Sorting Hat to put me somewhere else than my father would leave me alone. But now I'm stuck in the house of muggleborn haters. I don't want to be the way I am but I don't have a choice."
"All I wanted was to be I'm Slytherin."
"Why? Its wretched! "
"I guess I wanted respect. And to prove that not all Slytherins are evil."
"Do you think I'm evil?"
"Not anymore."

He smiled.

After that,we became fast friends. It was all an act for his father. He acted the way he did to everyone cause he had to. But he was actually sweet and kind and loving. But the only person who knew his true identity was me: a shy,insecure Ravenclaw who wanted desperately to be noticed and loved. When we parted ways on our last day of school that year,he kissed me on the cheek. We wanted to write and see each other over the summer but with his family being Pureblood Death Eaters and my family being so opposite it wasn't safe.

For the next five years we were together every spare moment. For five years we kept quiet only ever seeing our true selves on the long nights we spent together in the Room of Requirement.

When the Dark Lord chose him for the horrid task of killing Albus Dumbledore I stayed by his side. When the Dark Mark on his arm burned his flesh I held him. He spent nearly everyday of his sixth year lying in my arms and crying. It only increased my love for him.

At the Battle of Hogwarts he made sure I was safe as he obeyed his father for the last time. After graduation,he told his father of the secret we had kept for so long. His mother Narcissa had been very supportive of us the entire time and did everything in her power to change Lucius' mind but it was a lost cause.

Despite his protests we continued to meet in secret. Everytime it became harder and harder to say goodbye.
"Please just stay." I begged. "You don't have to go back to them. You can stay here and live your dream of being a Healer. We can go somewhere they will never find us. We could be happy Draco."
"I want that more than anything in this world Em and you know that. But I can't leave yet. I can't leave my mother with him." He replied.

"Let Narcissa come with us. We could live together and be a family."
"She won't leave him. She still loves him."
"After all he's done?"
"She won't leave. I've tried."
"Lets get married."
"In secret. Then we could be together forever."
"Em are you even listening? I have to go home. If we get married it will only get that much harder to leave you. "
"Please Draco. I love you and I want to be with you forever. Your father is never going to bless the marriage. Its now or never."
"Yeah. Why not?! We are young and in love. Lets do it!"
"Oh thank you!"

I threw my arms around him and kissed him.
"I love you." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed him again.

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