Chapter 5

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"Em,darling are you okay?" Draco said shaking me awake. "Emmeline,wake up!"
"W-where are we?" I asked.

"Somewhere safe."
"What about mum and dad? And Ginny and Harry?!"
"They are perfectly safe. I promise."

I felt sick.  I had Apparated multiple times before and had never gotten sick. Before I could say or do anything,I wretched all over the floor.
"What's the matter?!" Draco exclaimed. "You never get sick."

This was true. I typically had a strong stomach. "I'm fine." I said. But I wasn't. I was weak and my stomach ached.

Draco's inner medical student came out."Have you eaten anything that could have caused this?"
"I've barely eaten for a week now."
"And you didn't say anything?!"
"What was I supposed to do? Tell Harry Potter I was too queasy to eat?"
"You could have told Ginny or your mum."
"I didn't want anyone worrying. They were busy enough as it was."
"How long has this been going on?"
"About a month I think. Since the last time you stayed at Harry's house."
"A month?!"
"Please calm down,Draco. I just need a proper night sleep and I will be fine. It's dreadful trying to sleep while you're away."
"Alright but I'm going to get some food in you. Some nice,warm chicken soup will make you feel loads better."
"Um we have no food and you can't cook."
"This is my mothers safe house it has a fully stocked kitchen. I am studying to be a doctor how difficult could cooking possibly be."
"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you."

I settled myself down on the plush mattress and bundled myself up in the blankets;the place was freezing. The whole safehouse was basically one big room. There was a queen sized bed in the corner and a fully stocked kitchen. There was a fairly decent bathroom off to the side that at least had a locking door.

I watched and laughed to myself as Draco went about the tiny kitchen chopping vegetables and measuring spices. I dozed in and out of sleep while he cooked. Somehow he managed to actually make something that resembled soup without burning down the small house.

He carried over two bowls of the steaming,brown liquid. Finely chopped carrots and celery bobbed around in the bowl. He sat next to me on the bed and handed me a spoon. "Bon appetite!"

We both took a cautious sip of the soup. It took all my strength to swallow. Draco spit it out all over the place.
"Its,uh,its...." I mumbled.
"It's bloody awful! My cooking skills are going to kill you not help you." He replied.

He took back the bowls and dumped them down the sink. "At least we have these."
"Are those Harry's special biscuits?"
"Yeah. I couldn't resist. Old times sake you know."

I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"That's what I like to see! I love it when you smile." Draco said.

For some unkown reason I began to cry. I guess the emotional trauma of the past two months was finally catching up with me. Draco took me in his arms and I sobbed into his chest. He just let me cry.

He kissed the top of my head and I immediately felt better. At some point I fell asleep. All night I laid in his arms and felt safe for the first time since we left Ireland. I slept peacefully.

The Obedient Son-A Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now