Chapter 8

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News travels fast in the Wizarding world. Within hours everyone knew the story of what had happened to Narcissa. People flooded us with condolences. At the funeral the whole place was packed out with witches and wizards who had loved Narcissa Malfoy. The Weasleys,Harry, the Lovegoods,Hermione, and even Andromeda Tonks,Cissy's estranged sister, came with little Teddy Lupin on her hip. But she was so overcome with grief that Teddy stayed with his godfather and his soon to be godmother during the service. Harry,Ginny,and Teddy made the perfect little family and I knew somewhere Remus and Tonks were smiling at how happy their son was and what good family he had.
It was strange seeing Draco wearing black again. He didn't cry during the service,but he clutched my hand tighter and tighter until it was almost unbearable. His lip quivered and his eyes were glassy;I kissed his cheek and squeezed his hand encouragingly.
After the funeral we were invited to the Weasleys for dinner. Molly provided a glorious feast. Bill and Fleur were there with their newborn daughter Victoire who seemed very keen on her toddler cousin,Teddy. Charlie came for a short while and then quietly dissapeared.
"Back to Romania I suppose." Molly said.
Percy was there with his new wife who everyone seemed to dislike. George was there with Angelina Johnson and they both looked dreadful. No one would say why.
Ron and Hermione were beaming with happiness at the ring on her finger. They had located her parents and lifted the spell and the first thing Ron did was ask for permission to marry her. Ginny and Harry were talking in low whispers and grinning from ear to ear.
Somehow,we found ourselves in this mismatched family. Apparently all Draco's sins of the past were forgotten. I found him smiling for the first time since the death of his mother as he talked animatedly with Arthur Weasley about becoming a Healer. I almost didn't want to leave.
We were told that we were welcome back anytime. We went back to Ireland for a while to be in peace. Soon though, Draco was offered a job at St. Mungo's and we chose to permanently move closer to London which meant closer to our new family.
Harry,Ginny,Ron,and Hermione invited us to tag along with them to the Quidditch Cup to watch Ginny and the Holyhead Harpies. Harry was once again being the ultimate fanboy.
"Mate," Ron said. "I know you love my sister and all but you need to cool it a bit with the cheering."
"I'm being a supportive fiancé what's wrong with that?" Harry exclaimed.
"Nothing. But what you are is obssessed not supportive."
"I'm am not!"
"I'm afraid I agree with Ron. It's just a little obsessive Harry." Hermione said.
"How am I obssessive?"
"You are completely covered in Holyhead Harpies merchandise."
"You're hoarse from shouting 'Go Ginny' so much."
"Your house is covered in her posters."
"Whatever. "
Teddy had tagged along as well and the little toddler fell in love with Draco. While Harry whooped and hollered, Teddy was sound asleep in Draco's arms. The little boys hair even changed to match Draco s blonde locks.
When Christmas rolled around I was nine months pregnant and about to blow. Molly knitted us all her famous Weasley sweaters. (Draco's and Teddy's matched.)
"Now you are officially member of the family." She said her face beaming.
I went into labor during dessert and Draco was so freaked that he passed out immediately.
"He's a bloody Healer!" Ron cried.
"Ronald really! You would do the exact same thing." Hermione scolded.
"Still, he is a Healer. "
"You are impossible. "
After much debate, it was decided that we would just drive to St. Mungo's because I couldn't possibly Apparate or go by Floo powder. Molly held my hand the entire time and didn't leave my side even after my own parents had arrived. But I didn't care.
By the time Draco came too our baby was already born. A beautiful baby girl with thick,bleach blond hair like her fathers. One little streak of brown ran through the front.
Draco had tears in his eyes as he took the child in his arms. Teddy, who had refused to leave his side, was clutching onto the hem of Draco s sweater.
"She's perfect." Draco cried  "But what will we call her?"
"Narcissa." I replied
"Of course. Narcissa Emmeline Malfoy. Perfect."
Despite the strict Family Only rule, the whole Weasley clan was in the small hospital room passing around the baby. Everyone was happy; even George who always seemed glum these days.
"I never thought this day would come." Draco said. "Not only do I have a wife and a baby, but I have a whole new family. I never dreamed I could be a part of something like this."
"Well of course dear." Molly said.
"You're one of us now." Arthur added.
"Besides,you're the only one who can calm down Teddy so you have to stay." Harry said.
Everybody laughed at this. It was all overwhelming. But we were a family now,all of us. Now we would get mixed in with the sea of redheads. We would babysit each others kids and we would all see them off to Hogwarts together.
Draco was given a second chance at life. All his dreams came true and now everyone remembered him for good reasons instead of bad. Eventually his Mark faded completely erasing his history. Now everyone could see his true colors. No longer was he an obedient son,now he was the master of his own destiny and nothing could possibly be better.

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