Draco and Emmeline One Shots

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Hey you guys!! I wasn't quite done with Em and Draco ' s story but wasn't sure where to place these little stories in with "The Obedient Son" so I will be writing them as one shots. However they will just be in whatever order they come to me in so the time line may be off. I hope you enjoy!!!
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The first day of our 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry began as a typical day. We rode the train in our separate booths so as to keep our secret. We had made it six whole years,there was no point in blowing it now.
After the feast,I waited around for Draco where we always met but he never came. I worried that he had changed his mind and didn't like me anymore.
I tried to contact him all night long but he continued to ignore me. I couldn't sleep all night for fear that he no longer loved me.
"I can't live without him. I love him more than life itself!" I thought as I cried into my pillow.
After my horribly sleepless night,I trudged down the stairs to breakfast feeling like a zombie. I scanned the sea of students for Draco but he was nowhere to be found.
I was mindlessly picking at the scrambled eggs on my plate when the owl post came. A tiny note landed on my plate. I immediately recognized the untidy scrawl as Draco ' s and relief flooded through me. It read:
"Something has happened. Meet me in the Room of Requirement ASAP. "
I knew something was wrong because he always started and ended his letters with something really sweet. I quickly jumped from my seat and ran up the stairs with a newfound energy. I took the stairs 2 at a time thinking about the room where Draco was the whole way up.
When I entered the Room of Requirement I immediately heard Draco crying. I had not heard him cry that much since our first year; something was very wrong.
I found him in a corner clutching his left arm amd rocking back and forth.
"H-he ch-chose m-me." He said to answer my questioning glance.
He lifted the sleeve of his cloak to reveal The Dark Mark now etched into his skin.
"Oh Draco." I gasped.
"He says I have to kill him or he's going to kill me!"
"Kill who?"
"I can't do it Em! What am I going to do? My father's in Azkaban and mother is all alone with Auntie Bella and I don't know what to do."
"Calm down everything will be fine. We will figure this thing out."
He winced and began to cry again. "It feels like my arm is on fire and I almost wish it was. I'd rather die than do this."
"I will not allow you to talk that way Draco Malfoy." I shouted. "We will figure this thing out together and everything will turn out okay in the end."
"No matter what happens I will always love you Em."
"Nothing is going to happen. It will be okay."
He collapsed into my arms and cried into my shoulder some more. I held him tight and pushed back my own tears. We sat together through all our morning classes and didn't leave until lunch time.
"I love you Emmeline. Truly. No one else would have stayed her with me. I pretend that this is some honor to be chosen for such a task but it's eating away at me on the inside." He said.
Now it was my turn to cry. "You are so very,very brave Draco Malfoy. I love you."
He kissed the top of my head and we slowly stood up and made our way to the exit.
"I'll meet you back here after class?" He asked.
I nodded. "You are so brave. You'll get through this I know it. Don't let You-Know-Who get to you. Don't become your father. "
"I won't. I sware. With you by my side I can do anything."
I kissed him hard on the mouth one last time as the final bell rang and I ran down the steps to my next class.

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