Draco and Emmeline One Shots

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A short while after we first met we began studying together. Even though I was the Ravenclaw, it was obvious that he was the smart one. His homework was done almost as soon as classes ended which meant that I had to do mine by myself in the library while he watched me.
"How can you be so smart?!" I exclaimed one day as I tackled a particularly difficult assignment.
"Just because I'm in Slytherin doesn't mean I'm stupid." He replied.
"But it's not fair that you get done with your work while I sit here all afternoon. "
"I could help you if you like."
"That would be cheating. "
"Nonsense. Potter and Weasley cheat off Granger all the time. We can share. I'll do Potions and Transfiguration and you can do Herbology and Charms."
"What about History of Magic?"
"No one gives a crap about History of Magic. We can fake our way through that one."
So despite my Ravenclaw senses we began sharing our work load which meant more free time for both of us. One day I found a way to hook up a DVD player. I had my mum send my Naruto collection and snuck off to the Room of Requirement to binge watch it for the weekend. Of course Draco found me and was immediately engrossed in the anime.
"What is this?" He exclaimed. "Is it magic?"
"No silly! It's a television." I replied.
"What's a television? "
"Are you serious? "
"I'm a pureblood remember? "
"Omg. You've never seen Naruto?"
"Ummmm no."
"Sit  your pretty little butt down mister we have a lot of binge watching to do."
Needless to say,he was hooked. We stayed up in the Room for 3 whole days and no one seemed to care. Somehow food kept magically appearing when we needed it. By Monday morning we had made it through the first two seasons and all Draco talked about was how cool Naruto was and how he couldn't wait for class to be over so we could watch more. I tried to tell him that we needed to study and that we could spend our weekends binge watching but he wouldn't have it. Eventually he abandoned his studies all together and spent everyday watching it. Until he got to the end. He was absolutely crushed. He went around singing the theme song at the top of his lungs and quoting the show to his friends who didn't  understand a word he said.
"Draco," I said. "This has gone far enough. You need to focus on your studies."
"I can't Em! It's like I've been possessed or something. It's all I think about. I try not to I really do but I just can't. " He exclaimed.
"Alright fanboy enough anime for you. Luckily I don't have the Manga with me or you would flunk right out of this school and I would never see you again. How about this: during the week we focus on our schoolwork and do whatever it is we want to do. Then on weekend we can go watch a few hours. Okay?"
"Yeah you're right. Of course."
"Good. Now how's that Transfiguration paper coming?"
"About that......."
                                .   .   .
Okay so this one's a bit quirky and stupid but I wanted to find a way to incorporate Draco discovering something about the Muggle world. Plus I'd thought it be nice to focus on something funny for once. Hopefully there will be at least one more one shot maybe more. Please like and vote if you enjoy this!!!!

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