
18 4 0

Excuse any mistakes, i ain't perfect.

It was some time late in the evening just before the sunset. The club was still closed at the moment and didn't open until an hour and a half later. Keem and Mari had called all the employees over to work early for a meeting in the break room. The meeting was called while some of the girls were still changing into the outfits they were wearing for work tonight  so they had to come out in what they were wearing since the meeting was so important for some reason.

Nae and Dajah were both clueless about what the meeting was about and to them and eveyome else, that spoke volumes because they were the obvious favorites out of all the employees. They got to choose what days they works, how many hours, got to clock in and out whenever they wanted to, and got to keep most of their tips as long az they ran it past either Keem or Mari, which was useless because they would say yes anyways

The dancers, bartendars, bottle girls, security guards, dj's, we're all in the main part of the club sitting in the seats infront of the stage while conversing amongst themselves about what the meeting may be about. Some thought there were going to be cuts and somebody was going to lose their jobs, some thought there were going to be raises, all as clueless as the next.

"Did Keem tell you?" Nae asked Dajah as they were sitting around waiting for Keem or Mari to arrive and tell why this meeting was so important.

"No, did Mari tell you anything?" Dajah raised her eyebrows towards Nae and she just shook her head no. "Ight now I'm scared." Dajah panicked, she knew that she had the advantage of having a boss that had been in love with her since Junior year high school. He'd always tell her everything before everyone else knew, and she could take anybody's shift just as long as she asked Keem nicely and fluttered her eyes, he ways went weak for her and he knew it. But was he ashamed? Nope.

Everyone who knew the two, knew the complicated relationship between the two but never questioned why Keem was so stuck on her, sometimes she questioned it too. The day he told her he liked her, they were 16 and 17. Now they were 21 and 22 with the same dynamic. Dajah could admit it did get tiring at times, but she did love the attention so she didn't mind.

Nae on the other hand thought it was sweet, she always tried to get Dajah to give him a chance since Keem was basically like a brother to her but Dajah always shot down the idea, not because she didnt like Keem as a person, it was because she knew his lifestyle and she wasnt one for drama so the best thing she could do is avoid it, but its hard to avoid it when you work for it.

"They need to hurry they ass on, imma leave if they dont get here in 5 minutes. Best believe im counting them seconds" Nae shrugged bluntly starting to feel fed up with having to wait. For so long.

And right on cue, both Keem and Mari walked in, but a third body followed behind them. Nae squinted her eyes to get a good look at the third body since she was sitting in the back rows with dajah. Once her sight focused she realised it was one of the dudes from the club the other night, specifically the darkskin tall one

"Hollon.. aint that the nigga from the bar?" Dajah asked with furrowed eyebrows

"Whats his mame again? I think i forgot..." Nae squinted again trying to get a good look at his face, hoping that would bring her memory back.

"Sum like tj... kj?...tk??.." Dajah started to grow frustrated as she had a hard time remembering what his name was and all of a sudden it snapped for Nae

"Bitch thats that nigga Rj" Nae said as she nudged dajahs arm

"Oh yeah... what he doin here though?" Dajah questioned and tilted her head

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