Chapter 18

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I shut my eyes, and after hesitating for an embarrassing amount of time, I unhooked my bra, letting it fall to the floor.

When I heard his rough intake of breath, I pried my eyes open, letting my gaze fall on him. The fierce possessives in his eyes staggered me.

"On the bed, Hilda."

A jolt of pleasure ran through me at the use of my name. I made to get on the bed but paused, motioning to the thong I still wore. "And this?" 

"It stays on," he said.

I asked no questions. I proceeded to climb onto the bed, but in a split second I was thrown on my back, my hands pinned above my head; Vaughan hovered over me. I licked my lips nervously, my breaths quickening.

He leaned down, his chest just shy of making contact with mine. His hot breath fanned the side of my face when he rumbled, "Do you know why?"

"Why what?" My face heated at the breathy note of my voice.

His thumb suddenly went to my hip, and I near bucked at the sizzle of current that sped down my core. He fingered the material of the lacy thong. "Why I told you to keep this on?"


"Because you don't look like you're ready yet."

"Ready for what?" 

Beside my ear he rasped, "For a stiff, hard f*cking." He punctuated his statement by thrusting into me, his swollen c*ck head rubbing against my throbbing cl*t.

I swore internally when my face started to heat furiously, my thong dampening. Without warning, he bent down to place light kisses across my cheek. The move was so tender it made my heart clench. I cursed it.

"I was right," he murmured, now running his nose down my neck. "You are a maze. Feisty one second, bashful the next. You will be the death of me, Hilda."

A traitorous shiver ran down my spine. My nose was filled with the scent of him, my body racking with hot sensations. Feeling his l*ngth beside my thigh, I looked down, gaze widening at the sight of it. Long, thick and hard. Veins rode the length of his pulsing c*ck, and, if possible, under my gaze it seemed to grow bigger.

A light gasp escaped me when precum beaded at the slit of the bulbous tip. I sharply scolded myself; I was acting like a timid virgin at her first try... which, I admitted to myself, I was. But Vaughan had said we weren't going to do anything like that, yet.

Vaughan's harshly amused voice rasped beside my ear, "Keep looking at it like that, and you won't be able to walk straight tomorrow."

I wasn't allowed to react to his words, because his moist mouth opened over my neck. With a gasp I arched upwards, my pu*sy clenching. 

When my hard nipples scraped against his broad chest, he growled, reaching down with his large hands to palm my bre*sts, rolling my nipples to painfully hard points between his fingers. 

Waves after waves of sensations racked me, and all I could do was just moan and take it.

As he continued his assault on my body, I squirmed beneath him, feeling my release rapidly building.

When he took one nipple into his hot mouth, I cried out, my back instantly bowing. Voice rough with lust, he spoke around my flesh, "I need to mark you, Hilda. But you're not ready. Everything in me demands I put my mark on you. I need to know you belong to me." His hand slid down to cup my pu*sy wholly, squeezing it with a domineering growl.

Brazenly I rubbed my cl*t on his palm, feeling myself come nearer to the edge of my release. Near.... So near...

He slapped my pu*sy.

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