Chapter 36

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My mind whirled with a million thoughts as I coated my lips with red lipstick. One was, what if the vampire wouldn't come to the party today? What if they knew we were on to them? Turning my face sideways at intervals, I checked that my two winged eyeliners matched. And who was the person letting the vampires into the pack?

Satisfied, I turned away from the mirror and grabbed my silver studded clutch. On my way out of the closet, I paused when my phone pinged.

Swiping it, I saw it was a text from Robyn. 'Any lead on the vampire yet?'

It took a while before I texted, 'Yeah. Apparently they've been going around killing people. I don't think keeping a low profile is high on their list... (Pun unintended.)'

For a short moment, I stood there waiting to get a reply. When one wasn't forthcoming, I put my phone back into the clutch and closed it, exiting the walk-in room.

I drew to a stop when I saw Vaughan. He had his back to me.

He black suit jacket stretched across his wide shoulders, tightening around muscled arms. He didn't need any faux pads to fill out his suit, that was certain. His dark slacks concealed his long and strong legs, stopping an inch over sleek black loafers. I didn't think myself a fan of men shoes, but seeing them on Vaughan... I thought I was starting to have an idea how much I've been missing out.

Feeling my gaze on him, he turned to face me, striking grey eyes holding mine captive. Those eyes left mine to slowly run down the length of my body, his gaze lingering on choice parts of me. A shiver sizzled its way down my insides.

He approached me, taking bold and commanding strides that mirrored his personality. Coming to stand before me, he touched my elbow. His tone was low and sincere when he said, "You look beautiful."

My lips parted. Before I could say anything, he went over to stand before the mirror on the dresser, saying quietly, "Come, I want to show you something."

Drawing level with him, I couldn't still a shiver when his large palms gently held my shoulders. He turned me to face the mirror. Through it I watched as he withdrew a box from his pocket and opened it, removing a beautiful diamond necklace. A gasp left me.

In a move that brought him drastically closer to me, he reached around me to put the necklace on, clasping it on my nape.

My hand touched one of the glittering diamonds. I could only whisper, "Vaughan..."

My back pressed up against his front, I felt the heat radiating off him. His hot breath fanning the side of my neck, I sucked in a breath when he leaned down to whisper into my ear, "Don't ever break your promises to me again. I want to say I won't forgive you if you do, but," his hands slowly went around me and he interlocked his fingers with mine. "I find with you that'll be near impossible."

After a while he detached himself from me, taking along with him his warmth and the scent of cinnamon.

He strode over to the door, pausing before it to say, "Meet me at the elevator." With that he left. While I stood there in the middle of the room, gaping at the door, my heart doing a million and one flips. Dimly I wondered what invited this change.

Exiting the room, I turned a corner and headed towards the elevator. I was too busy looking at Vaughan to realize I was walking straight into an elevator. I drew to an immediate halt when I did.

He looked at me.

"I'll... Just use the staircase," I said.

Confusion infiltrated his eyes. "Why?"

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