002. welcome to slytherin

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𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪

𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 🐇 / ⋆ ۪

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── .✦ THE HALLS OF HOGWARTS seem to constrict as yn walks through the stone corridors that pulse with centuries of magic and tradition. it's her first day after being sorted into slytherin, but instead of relief or pride, a heavy tension clings to her. every step feels monitored, every breath calculated. the corridor is filled with the movement of students, but she can feel the weight of eyes on her - some merely curious, others openly judgmental.

whispers follow her like shadows, slipping through the air around her as she moves through the slytherin dominated hallways. they aren't loud enough to catch every word, but she picks up on phrases like "new girl," "not one of us," and "what's her story?" their tones vary from curiosity to thinly veiled disdain, and while many of the whispers are from younger students who are simply intrigued, it's the older students - the ones with bloodlines traced back to ancient wizarding families - who seem to regard her with the most palpable prejudice.

a group of slytherins, unmistakably from old pureblood families, walks by, their robes billowing behind them. one girl, with sharp cheekbones and an icy expression, sneers subtly, her gaze sliding over yn as though assessing her worth. yn feels a cold wave of recognition: this girl has already decided yn doesn't belong.

yn straightens her back and keeps her pace measured. she refuses to let them see how much their opinions affect her, even though inside, a knot of anxiety tightens in her stomach. she's dealt with prejudice before, but never in such an insidious, pervasive way. here at hogwarts, the judgment isn't loud or confrontational - it's whispered, masked behind smirks and fleeting glances. the way they look at her says everything they don't say aloud.

as she passes by, a pair of boys murmurs to each other, their eyes sliding over her as if she's an oddity to be examined.

"she transferred from beauxbatons, didn't she? wonder why... can't be that good if she's slinking over here now."
"probably couldn't handle it over there. a fresh start, they say."

the comments sting more than yn would like to admit, but she keeps her face neutral, refusing to react. her mother always told her that showing weakness in front of snakes would only provoke them. she imagines the comments biting at her skin, but her calm exterior holds, betraying none of the irritation boiling beneath.

the grandeur of hogwarts, so different from her last school, should feel exciting, but right now, it feels overwhelming. yn's steps echo as she turns into another corridor, her thoughts racing. her transfer to hogwarts wasn't planned - far from it. it had been sudden, driven by a need for distance from a complicated family situation. the mystery of her transfer, which she's kept close to her chest, only seems to add to her outsider status.

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