Chapter VI: Tsukishiro's Dilema

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In square F2, four people lay gathered face to face. On one side, Amasawa Ichika and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Elsewhere, Tsukishiro and Shiba.

- "Wow Ayanokouji-kun. I didn't expect to have a meeting so early."

Somewhat surprised, Director Tsukishiro said. Referring to the short time he passed the exam.

- "How about you give me a fair battle, Ayanokouji-kun?"

The director added as he approached Ayanokouji with Shiba-sensei. Amasawa retreated and was left adrift, leaving the chestnut tree sold.

- "Oh. I see that you were not careful. Amasawa works for us, Ayanokouji. It seems that you did not even realize that. You are still a child no matter how exceptional you are."

That man spoke again, with a slight laugh at the bad position in which he found himself in chestnut.

The brunette, finding himself in a 2 on 1 situation, decided not to back down and begin to analyze the situation.

Ayanokouji Pov

I can't believe Amasawa betrayed me. It was my fault for thinking well of his actions. He obviously manipulated me without me knowing it. How naive I was.

Now I find myself facing the two of them, assassins sent by that man, ready to expel me or do everything possible to make me retreat to the White Room.

This really could be my end. No matter how capable I was, I no longer had the same physical ability, as I lost some as the time went by without exercising. Now I only have to be guided by my knowledge of martial arts.

After finishing my analysis, both men adopted a fighting pose, ready to attack.

A light breeze blew through the air and silence became present. Tsukishiro had his trademark smile, while Shiba lay seriously.

I looked at the environment around me again until I saw a slight figure on top of a mountain, so I understood the action he did before. I could fight safer, but I would have to focus on dodging until it was enough proof.

Returning to reality, I dodged a punch thrown by Tsukishiro, who rushed towards me without waiting another second. With a 180° turn, I tried to return a kick, but Shiba had already launched his, which I managed to dodge just a few centimeters away, retreating immediately.

While I maintained my posture, my walkie talkie started making sounds again with some interference.

- "Aya...kouji-..un! Th.. thir.. ye.. ar.. g.. where... you are!"

The voice of Ichinose Honami said through the walkie talkie, informing me of an imminent problem. I was going to be surrounded in a matter of no time. I had to hold on until I chose a way out.

I came back to reality again, seeing how Shiba launched himself at me with a kick, which I barely blocked, which made me retreat.

Without giving me a break, Tsukishiro grabbed my arm, trying to immobilize me with a Judo hold, which I denied with footwork, causing the director to fall to the ground.

Blows rained down on me, which I managed to dodge with difficulty, slowly cornering me. To my bad luck, the third year students along with Nagumo-senpai had already arrived, so I had no choice but to run away.

And so it was, I found an opening through which I tried to flee through a valley towards E2 in search of refuge. The first to follow my steps were Tsukishiro and Shiba, who followed my pace.

As we ran, I thought about possible exits, but suddenly, the sound of shaking branches gave me hope. A male figure appeared in front of me, avoiding the path of Tsukishiro and Shiba.

- "Well Ayanokouji-boy! You showed yourself to be exceptional, but the exceptional needs to be even more exceptional! I will help you!"

Koenji Rokusuke said laughing, with his hands on his waist and with an imposing pose, showing himself in front of Tsukishiro and Shiba, who rushed against him. Koenji blocked a punch and counterattacked with an elbow to Shiba's cheek, landing squarely and sending him back.

Tsukishiro went against me and the battle began. He threw a punch which I dodged and returned, but he dodged it anyway, so I decided to do a kickboxing kick to the side of his knee, making him kneel. After that, I did a 180° turn with a small jump, launching a kick against him, hitting his cheek and half knocking him out on the spot.

After that, I ran as fast as I could, grabbing my walkie talkie. I changed the line and contacted the person I trusted the most.

- "Ichika. Do you have it?"

- "That's right senpai, it's all recorded, but only small clips would appear in which you dodge, so people would doubt."

- "Save all the fight, I have an idea."

- "That's how it will be senpai. See you in B4."

Ichika said cutting the line. I made Tsukishiro and Shiba believe that she was still with them. Obviously Ichika already informed me that she would manipulate Yagami and Tsukishiro to make it easier for us to advance. Great move from her side.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated, indicating the date and location of the first test of the second day. Again, my walkie talkie made a sound, this time it was a softer voice, that of Sakayanagi Arisu.

- "Ayanokouji-kun. Yesterday you did not complete any test. You must go to this test or else you will have a penalty."

- "Understood, thank you Sakayanagi."

I responded, heading towards C3. The test, known as "Target Shooting" consisted of shooting a target with a toy rifle. Depending on where you got it right, you would earn more or less points.

I came second, so I received the extra bonus. Without wasting any time, I grabbed the rifle and shot at the target with 100% accuracy, hitting the center of the target, earning the most points.

It was 8:37 in the morning on the second day and after finishing the test in C3 and walking for about 50 minutes, I arrived at B4 at 9:28 in the morning.

On that desolate beach were my three potential allies. Sakayanagi Arisu, Ichinose Honami and Amasawa Ichika. The three of them greeted me, each in their own characteristic way as I approached them.

- "Well done Ayanokouji-kun."

- "You managed to escape Ayanokouji-kun, incredible!"

Both leaders of classes 2-A and 2-B congratulated me, congratulations which I acknowledged with a nod, directing my gaze to Ichika, who took out the camera she bought herself at the beginning of the exam.

- "I have everything in this camera senpai."

She said showing me the entire recording of my fight against Tsukishiro and Shiba prior to the arrival of the third year students. I grabbed the camera and gave it to Sakayanagi, which he kept in a backpack next to the umbrella that he had stuck on the beach next to a laptop, seeing the locations of the island and some students based on the information provided by his pawns.

Together with Ichika, we both headed towards G9, where we would take refuge for a short period of time. I no longer had my tent or my pot, so a hungry night in the forest was almost inevitable. Luckily I still had the deodorant and lighter with me.

If there's one thing I know, it's that I won't let myself be defeated by my father. I will fight for the freedom that the people around me managed to grant me.

And, this time, I won't be alone.

I'm counting on you, Ichika.

End of chapter for today.

Next chapter July 19

"Chapter VII: Ichika's Feelings"

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