Chapter 14: Captain of the Crux

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Adam is currently dumbfounded at the currently situation that he within.

He just crashed from above of a ship directly into the room of this drunken woman in front of him, right now.

Adam: "Err... Lady, sorry about the roof."

Adam: "Anyway. Let's just pretend nothing happened here--"

He said as he stood up bout to leave until the woman just giggles at the Mercenary.

Then she grabbed his wrist preventing him from walking away.

???: "Ah~ ah~ where do you think you're going, hm~?"

Adam: "haha... Damn this stupid Luck--"

Before he knew it, Adam got yanked by the woman, towards her immediately switched position with him then pushes him down against the bed.

While slowly crawling towards the Mercenary pinning him down as she was now on top of him.

Adam: "L-Lady, look I'm really sorry about the roof but I need to get going, I need to deliver this damn letter to captain Beidou-"

His mid sentence was cut off by surprise reaction from the female whom stopped for a moment... Analyzing him from head to toe before letting out a small giggle from her lips.

As she looks at the Mercenary with a smile that rather looks smug and yet a bit seductive also making him a lot nervous.

As the woman slowly places her hand under his chin and says.

???: "I am Beidou, the Captain of the Crux."

She said in a teasing yet mocking ton, making the mercenary stunned and shocked at the same time while the woman, who is now named... Beidou, just looked at him, smugly before letting out a playful giggle.

As she leans closer to Adam making their faces are just an inch away from almost kissing.


Adam: "W-Wait... You're Beidou?!"

Beidou: "Hehehe~"

As they were about to kiss when suddenly someone entered into Beidou's room.

???: "Captain! We got company!"

He said loudly making her stop on her assault at the Mercenary, making her frowned.

Beidou: "My disappointment is immeasurable this day."

Adam: *relievd* "I'm safe..."

Beidou: "For now~"

Adam: "Goddamnit..."

Beidou gets off from him immediately while Adam quickly sets himself up.

Then the mercenary quickly noticed that Beidou was about to take her clothes off, he quickly turned around with his face completely red.

Beidou just smirked at his reaction and she spoke to him.

Beidou: "What, not used to seeing a girl undressed in front of you~?"

Adam: "Oh shut up."

He quickly defended himself from her teasing as Beidou just chuckled at his denial.

Beidou: "I'm guessing you're that renowned Merc with a mouth."

She said making him groans in annoyance after hearing that nickname again.

Adam: "Just call me, Adam I hate that nickname."

The reason why his is always being called that is because during a lot of his job someone or something were always ends up getting mocked and set on demolished, that's why they dub him "the Merc with a mouth".

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