Just a cigarette.

25 1 4

Thursday, 6th of May

Dear diary, today we decided that we'd go to the ice cream shop every Wednesday. Oboro will be paying; he knows he can afford it, and so do we. It makes it easier for us. Hizashi wasn't really sure, as he isn't used to treating himself with sweets like that, but we managed to convince him. I'm happy he seems to be getting better, but there's something up with Oboro again.


- Oboro, put the cigarette down. 

- Calm down, Shota. 

- No, there's no calming down. This shit is bad for your health. 

We were on the rooftop, again, like at every other lunch break. He chuckled. He'd always do that to brush off serious topics. But I was worried about him.

- Hey, Shota. It's not as if I was smoking a pack of cigarettes a week. It helps me relax and it's only once in a while.

- What's wrong ?

- I'm just a bit stressed, that's all. 

I knew it wasn't just him "being a bit stressed". There was more to it, but he always acted like everything was fine. I hated that about him. He'd listen to Hizashi and I rant for hours about how classes, the teachers, our parents and life were annoying but never say a word about himself. I didn't answer anything. Maybe I should have.

- Hey, guys !

We turned around and saw Hizashi coming towards us from the stairway's door. He sat with us on the floor. We watched the sight that was before us; the city and its houses and buildings, so small.

- Hi, Hizashi.

- Hey, mate !

I wasn't in the mood to laugh, but Mic never fails to put a smile on my face. He did something funny with his fingers; something we had been trying to do for months, but only him seemed to have the secret to it. His fingers seemed to transform into insects of some kind, and he put his hands closer to my face, to make me laugh. I couldn't help but smile. 

- Ah, here it is, that cute smile of yours, Hizashi said, proud of himself.

- See, Shota; you're still able to smile after all this time frowning. 

I chuckled. Ah, how I loved them both. I remember wishing this moment would never end.

- Come on, you guys. I faked being offended and paused, thinking for a moment. Oboro, how's your internship going ? You said you were working with an underground hero, aren't you ?

- Yeah, he's like you, Shota. He hates the cameras, but he's very talented and has cool stuff. He uses his scarf as a capture weapon. I'll ask him if he has advice about how to be as cool as him, might be useful when we build our own agency, he winked at Hizashi.

- What's his hero name ?

- Windo. His Quirk allows him to make air compact, so he thought that, since I have a Quirk that works with air, too, he'd take me in an internship.

- Well, I think you're cool, too, Oboro. It's only the beginning of the school year and you've already got an internship. That's impressive. 

He gave him a thumbs up, as he always does. Oboro smiled. His smile was bright; he finished his cigarette and put the remains in his portable ashtray, then closed it and put it in his pocket. The temperature wasn't so cold, about twenty degrees Celsius. Most student weren't wearing their uniform jacket, Oboro was one of them. He didn't care much about rules as long as what he did wasn't hurting anyone. He sighed, looking lost in his thoughts.

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