'As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you.'

22 1 0

Shota Aizawa can feel something watching him. Something or someone. He slowly opens his eyes to see purple. He squints his eyes, then realizes it's Hitoshi's hair.

- Good morning, dad. 

- Mornin'.

His first reflex is trying to get up. As soon as he's sitting straight up on the sofa, the first thing he notices is his terrible headache. He immediately brings his hand up to his forehead and rubs it with his thumb, grunting.

- Don't be too hard on yourself. You can keep lying down, you know.

-I'm fine.

He opens his sleeping bag's zipper and his second reflex is to look at the clock. 8:23 AM, which means that he's slept for about six hours. Grunting again, he gets out of the sleeping bag. He stretches his arms and yawns, then looks around. The house is calm. There's no sign of anyone else than Hitoshi and him.

- Where are Hizashi and Eri ? Are they awake ?

- They went out to get breakfast at the bakery. 

Shota can't repress a smile at this. Hizashi is always so caring. He huffs softly, still smiling. Then, he looks at Hitoshi. He's standing there, awkwardly. Hesitating, then opening his arms, Eraserhead motions for him to come hug him. Hitoshi does so, letting him wrap his arms around him.

- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have drunk. Not that much.

Hitoshi doesn't say anything for a moment, just accepting the hug. Then, he sighs and, taking a long, shaky breath in, he answers.

- I was just scared... And worried. I'm sorry you felt the need to drown what was going on in alcohol, dad. Are you... 

He hesitates.

- ... Are you okay now ? 

Not pulling away, Shota nods, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He gently rubs his son's back in circles, in a soothing manner.

- You know... You know that if you need to talk, you can come to me, right ?

His father nods again, but he knows that he won't take Hitoshi up on that offer. It's hard opening up, and he feels like he'd be putting a burden on his son, which is the last thing he wants to do right now. They keep the embrace going for a few more seconds before Shota pulls away awkwardly and sighs, itching the back of his neck. 

- I should probably take my sleeping bag off the couch and...

His gaze lingers on the diary, the Polaroids and the letters that are next to it. He clears his throat and begins to collect the items from the couch. 

- ... And all that. 

Hitoshi nods, understanding. He hesitates, then walks to the stairway.

- I'll be upstairs if you need me, alright ? Call me when papa and Eri are home, I asked them to buy me a pain au chocolat. 

- Sure. 

Hitoshi disappears from his sight. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Shota goes to the kitchen and, putting the diary, Polaroids and letters he was holding on the table, he gets a glass of water and gets some Ibuprofen from the locked cupboard, then swallows it with the water. He stays there for a moment, in the middle of the kitchen, leaning onto the counter, zoned out, before he hears the front door open. 


Shota can't help but chuckle. Of course Mic would do that without caring whether he was already awake or not. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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