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Song: Daddy issues by The Neighborhood

Japanese Grand Prix

I've been dreading this moment the whole year, The Japanese Grand Prix...
"You okay?" Paul asks me as I step out of the plane

"Sarah wanted to tell you something Jules" Pascale says to Jules, He picks the little girl up in his arms "What do you want to tell me Flower?" He asks kissing her forehead "Good luck Julie" she says shyly barrying her head into his neck as she chuckles "I'll win this race for you Okay Flower?" He asks and she nods, he puts her down to get into the car, "I love you Julie" the little girl says "I love you to Flower" was the last thing he said
'It's lights out and away we go in The Japanese Grand Prix'

"Sarah!" Paul screams "What-oh sorry" I say as we get into the cab "You look deep in thought" he says chuckling "Yep" I respond looking outside onto the roads of Japan. We arrive at the hotel and I unpack my stuff. After I did that I walk to the small kitchen and see a vase filled with Flowers why does that word have such an effect on me? It's stupid. "Fuck!" I shout and throw the flowers out of the window. Then there's a knock on the door, I open and see "What Isack" I say drying some tears that escaped "Are you okay?" He says trying to look into the room "I'm fine" I say slamming the door into his face. I look at the lighter on the table "Don't" I say to myself

I put some jeans on and a crop top, I brush my hair and head to the lobby "Sadie!" Carlos says giving me a hug "Hi Carlitos" I say with a smile

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I put some jeans on and a crop top, I brush my hair and head to the lobby "Sadie!" Carlos says giving me a hug "Hi Carlitos" I say with a smile. "What are you guys up to?" I ask looking around "Just chatting" Charles says and I nod "Ready for media day tomorrow?" I ask them and they nod "how are you Sarah?" Carlos asks "I'm good thanks" I say with a fake smile. "Hi!" Someone says putting arms around my shoulder from behind, I flinch and my reflexes causes me to punch the person "Shit!" I respond as I see Lando now laying on the floor. "I'm so sorry Lando it was a reflex" I say helping him up "It's alright" he says standing up and touching his cheeck "do you want some ice?" I ask feeling stupid, Carlos is checking Lando while Charles is shocked.
"I'm so fucking sorry Lando" I say giving him a hug "It's okay Sar" he says with a chuckle "I'll get the ice" I say running towards the restaurant in the hotel

Carlos POV
"Mate, what's wrong with her?" I ask Charles concerned "I really don't know, she's been off since we flew back after Australia" he says rubbing his forehead "She's been through a lot" Lando says and I nod. "I think it's Arthur, don't get me wrong she loves him dearly but ever since she signed with re-" he starts but puts his hand over his mouth "She signed with RedBull!!" Lando screams exited "Shut up!" Charles says putting his hand over his mouth "I'm so happy for her" I say smiling "but what about Arthur?" Lando mumbles through Charles hand. "His very upset with her over it, The day after we got back in Monaco she wasn't feeling well and Max and Ollie was over, Max talked about the contract and Arthur was livid, she clung onto me, she said he reminded her of Justin" he says and I'm confused "Justin?" I ask confused "He was her old trainer" he says not wanting to talk about it "Why 'old'" Lando says "Don't awnser if you don't want to" I say and then she came back with ice.

Sarah POV
I ran back and held the ice onto Landos face "I'm so so sorry Lando" I say again, I feel so guilty "it's okay Sar, it was an accident" he says taking the ice from my hand "I'm so stupid" I say as I look at him apologetic "it's just an inchident" he says with a grin looking at Charles and we all laugh. "Have you heard anything from Arthur yet?" Charles asks "Nope, his probably still in his room" i say crossing my arms over my chest "let's go and get dinner?" Carlos suggests and we all agree, I was hesitant but I agreed. When we got to the restaurant they all ordered "And for you miss?" The waiter asks "oh um, just a salad please" I say and Charles kicks me under the table, the while table shook and I give him a glare, Carlos and Lando looks utterly confused. "Is that all?" She asks and I nod giving her a smile. We all talked and then I received a text

 We all talked and then I received a text

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I freeze as I see the text.
"Sarah, are you okay?" Lando asks looking at my phone since his sitting next to me. I look at Charles and give him my phone, I try not to cry but I'm so scared. "It's okay" Charles says "he knows where I am" I tell Charles "Sarah it's okay, should I get Arthur?" Charles asks and I nod. I know Charles told Carlos and Lando, I felt Lando hugging me. I try to control my breathing but it starts to get worse and a few tears escape my eyes "Sadie, it's okay look at me" Carlos says a cross the table, I look at him as I feel my breathing become uneasy, then Arthur and Charles came back running, I immediately ran over to Arthur as he hugged me "Let's go okay?" Arthur says and I nod, we enter the elevator and it's only us "I ca-cant br-breath" I say pointing to my throat "Sarah, look at me your safe" he says as we both sit on the elevator ground "A-air" I try to speak "Follow my breathing sadez" he says putting my hands on his chest "breath"he says
After I calmed down we bother cited the elevator and went together to my hotel room. Arthur went in first to check if it was okay and he nods, " Get sleep okay? Tomorrow is media day you'll need it" he says and I nod giving him a hug. "I'm sorry Sar" he says "It's okay" I say hugging him tighter, "if anythings wrong, call me"
"I will"
"Goodnight Sar"
"Night Arth"

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