4. ~why me~

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

After 5 minutes of Reece and Mia hugging, Reece turns around and gestures me to come over. I walk over and sit on the other side of her. "Char, I'm so sorry I kept this from you." Luckily I just heard her over the crying. "Mia, baby it's okay, we don't have to talk about this now. You're hurting and I just want to be here for you okay." I say trying to comfort her. Reece let's go and Mia instantly lays her head on my shoulder. I rub my hand of her back trying to calm her down, Reece stands up and walks back to the others.

After a while Mia says "can we go home please." I could tell she was exhausted from all the crying, how wouldn't after they found out their daughter is dead. "Ofc we can baby." Because we were sitting there for so long, Marjorie and Reece offered us a lift back to mine. I pick Mia up and take her to the car, we get in the back and she slowly falls asleep with her head on my lap. I feel so bad for her, she's going through a lot. Marjorie pulls up in the driveway and I get could go to the other side and pick Mia up carefully as she's asleep.

"Thank you Marjorie." I say "it's okay my love. Take all the time off you need okay." Marjorie replies, I give her a smile then walk up to the house. Unlocking the door and taking Mia up to bed. I put her in the bed and I lay down next to her. She snuggles into me, and to be honest I didn't even know she was awake until she said. "I love you char." I rub her back "I love you too baby. Now get some sleep." I say and she drifts off again. Not long after I drift off too.

- 𝚊 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 -

𝐌𝐢𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

In the past week I've barely got out of bed, how is my precious Liv gone. I don't understand 𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗺𝗲? Every night I have dreams with me and Liv, obviously Reece is in some of them. I know Reece is having a hard time too he's not been back to work either. It's heartbreaking yes me and Reece were never in love. But we always put a smile on are faces for Liv. She was everything to us, her smile, her eyes, the way she talks. She would always come in are room in the morning and wake us up. I hate it's not that way anymore or ever will be.

But I had to get up today, because me and Reece are gutting out are house. We only kept the house in case of Liv coming back. But now we know that's she's not, we decided to gut it out and sell it.

After I got ready I went to the house. Me, Reece, Charlotte, Marjorie, Autumn and Winter are gutting out the house. We gutted out every room then we got to Livs room. I don't want to walk through theses doors. "How about we get everything into theses trucks and give Reece and Mia a minute." Autumn suggested. The all agreed and went downstairs. "You ready?" I said turning to Reece. "Not really, but we have no choice." As he said that he opened the door to the Princess themed room. We walked in and just stood in the room looking around. All the memories and flooding back, when I read Liv to sleep, played Barbie with her, the struggle to get her ready in the morning, the deep cleaning on Saturdays and all the smiles giggles. They were flooding back fast. I zoned out all I could her is her sweet giggles.

𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

Me and Mia were looking around the room, all the memories was playing in my head like it was real life. I turn to face Mia and I can tell she is zoned out in thought. As I was going to try and help her out she fell to the floor with her hands covering her face. I quickly help her sit on the floor and hug her.

After a while, everyone came back up and helped us gut out her room. It didn't feel real, seeing Mia zone out into thoughts was even sadder. I can't imagine what it's like for her, it's sad enough for me but I didn't spend 24/7 with her like Mia did. We finally got the whole room gutted and we all headed down stairs. We walked out the house locked the door and start to head back to are cars. "Oh Mia, I saved this for you." It was livs favourite teddy. It was a pink bear with a unicorn dress and bow on its head. (It was from build a bear) it also had a sent of vanilla and a voice box with livs voice saying. I love you mummy. I got it for livs 2nd birthday. Mia looked at Mia and her eyes started tearing up. "I'm glad we had the same idea." As she turns around a pulls out a Red fox with dungarees on and a blue cap, with the sent of chocolate and a voice box say I love you daddy. Mia also got that for Livs 2nd birthday. We always had the same ideas with presents. We both wrapped are arms around each other and looked at the house. This was it, she was really gone...

Note - I definitely did not cry while making this 😢

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