Chapter 21

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It was two days since Tamra was released from the hospital and she had never felt so happy to be able to hold Zyon in her arms despite the soreness that she was still feeling. The sitter was a blessing, she had taken on all the responsibilities of caring for Zyon so that Tamra could get to fully recuperate to the best of her ability. The night of the party Karl had slept in the guest room and as usual he left early the next morning. She had awoken to breakfast the next morning and a note from him which stated that she should stay in bed and rest. She wasn't sure what had gotten into him but this time she didn't allow any of his gestures to get to her head. Most times when he was nice to her it was just for show anyway.

Tamra decided that today she would visit Rachel to thank her for taking care of Zyon while she was ill although her maid was the one who did the heavy lifting, nevertheless, she still wanted to show her appreciation. She also wanted to see Quleton, she was due another shot and she thought that this was the perfect excuse to visit him. She had communicated with him the day before and he told her that he had changed her appointment time to spend more time with her as she would be the last of his patients that day.

Tamra got dressed and went downstairs to find the sitter playing with Zyon. He looked so happy and she was grateful that he wasn't old enough to understand anything that was going on. She wanted him to have a stable and the best childhood that any kid could ever ask for. The sitter noticed Tamra looking at Zyon and smiling.

"He's a happy boy," she said with a smile.

Tamra smiled back. "I know".

"Your husband made you breakfast, it's in the oven" She took Zyon in her arms and followed Tamra to the kitchen. "I wish I had a man like that, he really loves you," she said.

Tamra scoffed. "Be careful what you wish for", Tamra muttered.

She poured herself a cup of coffee and took a sip. "I'm going out for a while. I have to go see my mother-in-law and I have a doctor's appointment", she explained.

"Okay, no problem".

Tamra got in her car and started the engine. She took a deep breath and pulled the seatbelt across her. She was a little afraid to drive since she was still wearing the cast on her arm. She had never driven with one hand before and she wondered if she would be up to the challenge or if it would be wise to just call an Uber to take her where she needed to go.

"You can do this," she told herself then pulled out of the driveway.

Rachel was not at home but Tamra wanted to stop by to see Florence anyway. Halfway to Rachel's house, she stopped by the store to get a thank you card and a box of muffins. When she got to the house she rang the doorbell and as usual, Florence opened it with a smile on her face.

"Mrs. Solomon, it's so good to see you," she said.

Tamra stepped inside.

"It's good to be seen, thank you Florence. How have you been?"

"I'm great, thank you. Ms. Rachel isn't here, I think she may be at her office across town".

"I'm actually here to see you" Tamra handed Florence the card along with the muffins. "These are for you, thank you so much for taking care of Zyon while I was in the hospital. It means the world to me".

Florence was surprised by Tamra's gesture.

"It was my pleasure. Honestly, it wasn't any trouble at all. Zyon is a very special boy. Even Ms. Alinac was so warm to him and I don't think she is the motherly type."

Tamra was confused.

"Ms. Alinac? When, when was she here?" Tamra questioned.

"She came by the day after you went into the hospital. It was kind of strange the way she left. She was asking about you and she looked at Zyon with such love in her eyes. I have never seen her like that".

Tamra smiled. "Uh, thank you again Florence," she said then left.

Why was Savanna asking about her and then showing up at the hospital? She had said that she wanted to make sure that Tamra was okay but Tamra felt it hard to believe that that was her only reason. Savanna wanted Karl more than anything and she had made that clear but did she think that she would get her son too? If so, she was out of her goddamn mind. Sure Savanna could have Karl, she didn't care but nobody touches her child and gets away with it.

When she got to Quelton's office it looked rather strange from her regular visits. Kay wasn't at her desk as usual to greet her with her bubbly personality. The place was rather quiet but in a good way.

Tamra knocked on Quelton's office door and he slightly opened it. His smile was wicked as soon as he saw her and his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," she said smiling back at him.

He still had the door slightly opened and he was standing behind it.

"What's, what's going on? Tamra asked shyly.

'Could you do me a favour and just close your eyes?'

"What are doing in there?" she asked as she tried to peek inside.

"Just do it for me, please".

Tamra did what she was asked to do and closed her eyes. She heard the door opening and Quelton took her hand. She stepped inside the office. Quelton was leading as he had one arm around her waist. After a minute she stopped.

"Open them".

When she did there was a picnic area set up in Quelton's office. She smiled at the sight in front of her.

"Are you kidding? She said with a smile.

"I wanted our meeting to be special," he said. "Do you like it?"

Tamra around to face him completely.

"It's perfect," she said in a low tone then she leaned in to kiss him.

They kissed for about a minute then helped Tamra to sit on the fake grass. He poured her some juice in a wine glass and then handed it to her. She smiled and thanked him.

After drinks and pastries, Tamra leaned back on Quleton's chest. She felt so at peace in the space she was in and it was as if time had stopped just for her.

"What are you thinking about" he asked after noticing how quiet she had become.

"I'm just thinking about how it would be nice if we could stay like this forever" She took his hands in hers and he kissed the top of her head.

He was about to say something when his phone started ringing.

He answered. "Hey, sis can I call you right back? He asked. "Okay, bye"

Tamra looked up at him. "What song is that?" she asked.


"Your ringtone"

"Oh it's Kehlani"

"What's a Kehlani?" Tamra asked.

Quelton laughed. "Here".

He opened the phone and selected the song for her to listen to. She listened for a few seconds then smiled at him.

"I like it," she said.

"Me too. The thing is you're my Kehlani" he said and she turned to face him once more. He kissed her again, much deeper than before. After they broke the kiss Quelton's smile disappeared and she saw worry creep into his eyes.

"What are we going to do about him? I could do something if you let me".

Tamra started laughing. "What are you going to do?"

"Well, I'm a doctor, I'm sure I can think of a few creative ways," he said sarcastically.

Tamra laughed again, louder this time and it was the sweetest sound that he'd ever heard.

He kissed her lightly on her lips and looked into her eyes.

"I'm addicted to you Tamra. I can't lose you. Not again".

The sincerity in his voice was all she needed.

"Karl will get what's coming to him and you and I won't need to do anything".

"I don't want him to hurt you again".

Tamra sighed heavily. 

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