Chapter 26

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"I want my lawyer," Karl demanded as he sat in a small room with a huge glass and a small table in the middle of the room.

"Look at this, do you think this makes you man? Hitting your wife like that".

Karl turned his eyes to the phone screen as he watched himself assault Tamra.

"This is all over social media, everyone now knows this side of you and I doubt any judge will listen to anything that you have to say".

Karl didn't respond. He knew that he was right. He was caught red-handed and he couldn't argue his way out of what was on the video.

Quelton rushed to the hospital as soon as he found out what was happening. He was distraught as he watched the doctors and nurses come to Tamra's aid. Her friends were also there as well as the police officer who came to Tamra's assistance. Her eyes were swollen and she had bruises all over her face and body. She also had some internal bleeding but nothing was extensively damaged.

"Is she going to be okay?" Taylor asked the doctors as soon as Tamra was moved from the ICU.

"She's a fighter," the doctor said then smiled slightly at Taylor.

"Can I see her?" Quelton asked.

The doctor nodded. "Only for a brief moment but she needs to rest, her body has been through a lot".

Quelton entered Tamra's room and immediately broke down. He tried to compose himself but he couldn't when he saw the state she was in. She was still asleep so he exited the room and rushed to the men's room. The police officer saw what was happening and went after Quelton. When he entered the room, Quelton was slumped over the sink as he splashed some water on his face.

"Are you alright?" the police officer asked.

Quelton nodded his head in response.

"What's your relation to Mrs. Solomon?" he asked.

Quelton took a deep breath. "I'm her doctor and also her friend. He could have killed her this time".

"This time?"

"Her husband, Karl. He's been abusing her for a very long time. I have the pictures".



Tamra's eyes fluttered open although she still wasn't able to see clearly from the one that was still swollen. She winced as she tried to move.

"Take it easy," the British accent said.

"This is some case of deja vu" Tamra's inner voice screamed. What the hell was she doing here? Tamra asked herself.

"You took quite a beating" Savanna added.

"Why are you here Savanna?" she felt as if she had asked this question before. They were not friends, they weren't even acquaintances.

"Relax Tamra, I am the bearer of good news, you see, your video has been trending and it has caused many women to react."

Tamra propped herself up in the bed. "What are you talking about? What video?"

"Take a look". Savanna handed Tamra her cell phone. Her eyes were glued to the screen as she watched herself being beaten by Karl. How was this possible? As she watched, tears streamed down her cheeks and she wiped it away with her palm. Savanna watched Tamra's reaction and her heart broke for the woman who was not only abused but for the strong person that she was.

"Zyon," Tamra said softly and wiped the screen with her thumb.

Savanna smiled at her. "Your son is okay".

Tamra immediately looked at Savanna astonished. "They found him?"

Savanna smiled at her again as she saw the pain in her eyes disappear and a hint of relief and happiness replaced it.

Suddenly the door opened and a young woman walked in. Tamra recognized her instantly. It was the same woman from the coffee shop who spilled the coffee on her. Tamra was now confused more than ever. Who was she? How did Savanna know her and what the hell was she doing here?

Savanna watched Tamra keenly. Her body language said it all.

"This is Kendra, she's one of my associates". The young woman half smiled at Tamra.

"I- I don't understand, '' Tamra quickly stated.

"We took Zyon".

Tamra rubbed her temples and her breathing changed. She was taking deep breaths and when she looked up her eyes were wild. But before she could say anything Savanna continued.

"We took Zyon because I had to push you. It was the only way to get you to take action and stand up to Karl. My people planted the cameras inside your house while you were at the coffee shop. The world had to see Karl for who he truly was".

Tamra's breathing was now steady as she listened to Savanna.

"It was all planned out, you even got a morphine shot that you didn't notice was happening when Kendra spilled the coffee on you" Savanna smiled wickedly. "But it was all for your benefit".

"This was all you? He could have killed me this time," Tamra said.

"Not likely, he wouldn't have been that stupid and the only reason why he didn't get away with beating your ass this time was because I did what I did. So you're welcome"

Tamra rolled her eyes at Savanna but she knew that Savanna was right. She may never have stood up to Karl the way she did if she didn't think she had lost Zyon. Now, it was because of Savanna that people knew the lie she was living for all these years. Karl was a monster and no one should have to live the way she did. No woman should live in fear of the person that they were with, married or not.

"Where- where is Zyon now? I want to see him."

"He's in Rachel's care, you'll be reunited with him in time. Just focus on getting better, you're going to need to your strength". 

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