Chapter 25

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"Where the fuck is my son?!" Tamra shouted as she barged into Karl's office.

"What the" Karl lashed out as his secretary who was behind Tamra apologized immediately.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Solomon, I told her you were in a meeting".

Four pairs of eyes stared at Tamra and then at Karl in shock. Tamra's eyes were wet and wild, and Karl looked like he was about to blow a fuse.

"Where is my son?" Tamra asked again without acknowledging anyone's presence except Karl's.

"Gentlemen can you please excuse me, I need a moment with my wife," he said calmly.

The men stood up and closed the folders that they had as Karl's secretary ushered them to the door. Karl moved closer to where Tamra was standing and as soon as the office door was closed he slapped across the face causing her to stumble backwards.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you out of your mind ?!" he yelled.

Tamra held her cheek which was burning as tears streamed down her burning cheek. She looked at him with fire in her eyes then she leaped forward and pushed him.

"Where is Zyon? What did you do?" she asked again.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean where is Zyon?" he asked confused.

"He took my son away from me you asshole and I need my son" she cried.

"Tamra I swear to God you must be joking right now. I didn't take him" he said sternly. "What the fuck did you do?"

She fell to her knees on the floor as she continued to cry. " Zyon" she choked back the tears before she continued. " Someone took Zyon. Someone kidnapped my baby" she finally said.

Karl was in shock. He couldn't believe what Tamra was saying.

"Where, where did this happen? He stuttered as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed 911.

Tamra explained to the police all that had happened that morning. Karl was still upset but he tried to keep his composure while at the police station. The police questioned Karl and Tamra separately. Tamra was convinced that Karl had something to do with Zyon's kidnapping. He had threatened her too many times about taking him away from her and now that he did she was not going down without a fight. After several hours at the police station, they were finally told that they could go home. The police surmised that maybe the kidnapping had to do with Karl's business and the kidnappers would call and demand a ransom.

It was a long drive home. Tamra felt empty and numb. It was as if her heart was pulled from her chest and the only thing she could do was cry. She had no more fight left. Karl had managed to rip her apart, burn the pieces, and watch her go up in smoke. How could he have done this?

"You're a coward," she told herself.

When she got home she opened the door and dragged herself inside as Karl walked in behind her. She heard him throw the keys on the glass table and slammed the door.

"You careless bitch!" he yelled as he grabbed her hair and pulled it throwing her against the door.

Tamra closed her eyes as she felt sharp blows to her face. She felt a blow to her stomach and she fell to the floor.

"You stupid bitch! Karl yelled but there was something different about his voice. Was he crying? She opened her eyes and looked at him; his eyes were bloodshot. He took her up in rage and slammed her into the wall then slapped her again.

"You let them take my son, you careless bitch!" he screamed.

Tamra could taste the blood but funny enough she wasn't feeling the pain that she normally felt from Karl's assaults.

"Karl please stop, I can't take this anymore, please stop" Tamra cried as he continued to kick and slap her. After about a minute the assaults stopped as if he ran out of breath.

He slid down on the floor and covered his face with his hands as he wept. Tamra was still laying on the floor as blood ran from her mouth and she held her stomach and cried.

"What did you do?" he asked. His voice was broken. "I need my son back Tamra! You need to go find my fucking son!" he yelled.


Karl heard a knock on the door. He quickly wiped his face with his hands and got up from the floor. He took a deep breath and slightly opened the door. He recognized them from earlier; they were from the police station.

"Mr. Solomon I need you to come with us" one of the men said.

"Is it my son? Did you find him?" Karl asked.

"Mr. Solomon you are under arrest for unlawful wounding", the other man said as he pushed open the door.

They saw Tamra laying on the floor and one of the men rushed over to where she was. He immediately called an ambulance while the other man restrained Karl.

"Mrs. Solomon, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

Tamra groaned and tried to look but her eyes could not open.

"Get this piece of shit out of here!" the man yelled to the other as he tried to assist Tamra. "Help is on the way, it's going to be okay, we have your son and he's safe." 

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