Chapter 8: Rivalry

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The air in the Great Hall was thick with tension as the Slytherins and Gryffindors gathered for breakfast. The usual murmur of conversation was punctuated by sharp glances and whispered insults. The rivalry between the two houses had reached a fever pitch, particularly between Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

Draco, seated with his usual entourage of Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott, was engaging in one of his favorite pastimes: taunting the Gryffindors. Across the hall, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley were conversing in low, heated tones, clearly discussing their nemeses.

"Look at them" Draco drawled, his voice carrying across the hall with deliberate intent. "I bet they think they're so superior with their 'heroic' antics."

Hermione shot Draco a glare, her eyes flashing with irritation. "You're just bitter because you can't handle the fact that Harry saved the Philosopher's Stone and thwarted You-know-who."

Draco's smirk widened. "Saved the Philosopher's Stone? More like stumbled his way through. It's hardly a feat."

Ron, who had been listening in, couldn't hold back. "And what have you done, Malfoy? Besides constantly whining and trying to one-up everyone?"

"Don't talk to me about achievements" Draco snapped back. "At least I don't need to rely on luck to get through school."

As tensions flared, Dorian Valerius watched from a distance, his expression impassive. He had chosen to distance himself from the Golden Trio, knowing that any interaction could potentially escalate the rivalry further. His focus was on the upcoming Care of Magical Creatures class.

When the time came for the class, the mood was anything but amicable. Hagrid, enthusiastic as ever, began by explaining the importance of showing respect to the magical creatures they would be working with. His booming voice filled the clearing as he introduced Buckbeak.

"Now, remember" Hagrid said, "Buckbeak here is a proud creature. You've got to show him respect, or he won't take kindly to you."

Draco, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist making a spectacle. As Buckbeak approached, he drawled loud enough for everyone to hear, "This is very easy. I knew it must have been, if Potter could do it. I bet you're not dangerous at all, are you?" He sneered at the Hippogriff, "Are you, you ugly great brute?"

The words had barely left Draco's lips when Buckbeak, clearly offended, lashed out with his powerful claws. The attack caught Draco off guard, sending him sprawling to the ground. The students around gasped in shock as Draco yelled, "I'm dying! Look at me! It's killed me!"

The panic was palpable. Hagrid rushed to Draco's side, his face a mask of concern. "Yer not dying!" Hagrid bellowed, trying to calm the situation. "Buckbeak's not gonna kill ya. Just got a scratch, that's all."

Despite Hagrid's assurances, Draco's cries only heightened the hysteria among his classmates. The Slytherins were visibly distressed, their concern for Draco evident as they gathered around him, their faces pale with worry.

Pansy Parkinson clung to Draco's side, her voice trembling. "Draco, you're going to be okay. Just hang in there."

Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott exchanged worried glances, their usual bravado replaced with genuine concern. "We need to get him to the hospital wing" Blaise said urgently.

The Gryffindor side, meanwhile, was far from sympathetic. Harry, Hermione, and Ron exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of irritation and schadenfreude.

"That's what happens when you disrespect magical creatures" Harry muttered, trying to mask his amusement with a note of sternness. "Maybe Malfoy will learn to think before he insults things."

Hermione sighed, shaking her head. "It's not right to mock him when he's hurt. We might not get along, but it doesn't mean we should take pleasure in someone's misfortune."

Ron frowned, still clearly irritated. "He had it coming. You heard what he said about Buckbeak."

As Draco was escorted to the hospital wing, his face a mask of pain and frustration, the Great Hall buzzed with gossip. The students were abuzz with news of the incident, their conversations peppered with speculation and judgment.

In the Slytherin common room later that evening, the mood was grim. Draco's injury had cast a long shadow over the house, and the usual scorn for Gryffindors was replaced with worry for their own. Pansy, Blaise, and Theodore gathered around, their expressions somber.

"How is he?" Pansy asked anxiously, her voice barely above a whisper.

Blaise shook his head. "They said he's in a lot of pain but should recover. Still, it's going to take time."

The atmosphere was heavy with unease. Even the usual banter and jeering had taken a backseat to the concern for Draco's well-being.

Meanwhile, in the Gryffindor common room, the conversation was divided. Harry, Hermione, and Ron sat together, the tension from the day's events still lingering.

"I can't believe Malfoy had the nerve to insult Buckbeak. It's Hagrid's first class..." Ron said, frustration evident in his voice. "He got what was coming to him." 

Hermione gave Ron a reproachful look. "You're not seriously enjoying this, are you? It's a dangerous situation, and Malfoy's hurt. We should at least show some empathy."

Harry rolled his eyes.  

As the day drew to a close, the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor showed no signs of easing. The incident with Buckbeak had only intensified the animosity, leaving both houses simmering with unresolved tensions. The echoes of arguments and the harsh words exchanged between Draco and Harry were a reminder of the deep-seated hatred that defined their relationship. 

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