Chapter 7: A Narrow Escape

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The moon hung high in the star-studded sky, casting a silvery glow over the ancient walls of Hogwarts. The castle, with its towering spires and labyrinthine corridors, seemed almost tranquil in the stillness of the night. Yet, beneath this facade of serenity, secrets and shadows moved, weaving a tapestry of mystery and danger. 

Dorian Valerius moved swiftly through the darkened corridors, his heart pounding with a mix of exhilaration and trepidation. The transformation back from a bat had been seamless, as always, but it left him feeling exposed and vulnerable. The thrill of watching over Ella from the shadows was tempered by the constant risk of discovery. Tonight, that risk felt particularly acute.

He approached the Slytherin common room cautiously, the familiar coldness of the stone walls offering a semblance of comfort. The entrance was just ahead, hidden behind a seemingly unremarkable stretch of wall. But before he could utter the password, a voice cut through the silence, freezing him in his tracks.


Dorian spun around, his eyes locking onto the figure emerging from the shadows. Draco Malfoy stood there, his expression a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Dorian's mind raced, scrambling to come up with an explanation that would placate his classmate.

"Draco" Dorian greeted, attempting to sound casual despite the tension coiling within him.

Draco's eyes narrowed, his gaze flicking briefly to the window through which Dorian had just entered. "I saw you" he said, his voice low and edged with uncertainty. "I saw you transform back."

Dorian's heart sank. This was exactly the kind of situation he had been dreading. "You saw me?" he repeated, trying to buy himself a moment to think.

"Yes" Draco replied, taking a step closer. "At first, I thought you were an Animagus. But then... something didn't add up. Students are not allowed to transform in Hogwarts."  

Dorian forced a smile, though it felt strained. "You have a vivid imagination, Draco."

Draco's expression hardened. "Don't play games with me, Valerius. I know what I saw. And if you're not an Animagus, then what are you?"

Dorian hesitated, the weight of the truth pressing down on him. He could see the fear and uncertainty in Draco's eyes, but he also sensed a glimmer of something else—curiosity, perhaps even a grudging respect. Taking a deep breath, he decided to take a leap of faith.

"Alright, Draco. I'll tell you the truth" Dorian said quietly. "But you have to promise me you'll keep it a secret."

Draco's eyes widened slightly, but he nodded. "Fine. I promise."

Dorian took another deep breath, steeling himself. "I'm not an Animagus. I'm... I'm a part-vampire."

Draco's reaction was immediate and visceral. He took a step back, his face paling in shock. "A part-vampire?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are you serious?" 

Dorian nodded, his expression solemn. "Yes. That's why I can transform into a bat and why I avoid the sunlight. It's not something I chose, Draco. It's just... what I am."

For a moment, the two boys stood in silence, the gravity of Dorian's revelation hanging heavily between them. Draco's mind raced, grappling with the implications of what he had just learned. Vampires were the stuff of legends and horror stories, not something one encountered in the halls of Hogwarts.

"But... you don't look like a vampire," Draco said finally, his voice tinged with incredulity. "You look... normal." 

Dorian couldn't help but chuckle at that. "That's the idea. We blend in. We have to, for our own safety."

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