Chapter 11: Snowball Fight

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A few days had passed since the eventful trip to Hogsmeade. The Hogwarts grounds were now blanketed in a thick layer of snow, transforming the castle into a winter wonderland. The white expanse stretched as far as the eye could see, creating a pristine canvas of untouched snow. Students were scattered across the grounds, enjoying the wintry weather and engaging in various snow-related activities.

In the schoolyard, the Slytherins were hanging around, their breath visible in the chilly air. Dorian Valerius stood among them, his eyes taking in the scene with a sense of quiet enjoyment. The memory of the snowball attacks in Hogsmeade still lingered in his mind, but he was content to let the mystery remain unsolved for now. 

Draco Malfoy, however, was still stewing over the incident. He had been in a particularly foul mood ever since, and his irritation only grew when he spotted Harry Potter and his friends crossing the yard on their way to Hagrid's Hut. The sight of Harry's perpetually untidy hair and his confident stride was enough to set Draco's teeth on edge.

Without thinking, Draco bent down, scooped up a handful of snow, and packed it into a firm snowball. With a swift motion, he hurled it directly at Harry's back. The snowball hit its mark, exploding in a burst of white against Harry's cloak.

Harry spun around, his face a mask of surprise and irritation. "Malfoy!" he shouted, glaring at Draco.

Draco smirked, his eyes glinting with malicious glee. "What's the matter, Potter? Didn't see that coming?"

Ron Weasley, always quick to defend his friend, stepped forward. "What's your problem, Malfoy? Can't handle losing to a Gryffindor, so you resort to childish pranks?"

Draco's smirk widened. "Oh, please, Weasley. You call that an attack? I was just getting started." He turned to his friends. "Let's show these Gryffindors how a real snowball fight is done."

Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott eagerly complied, quickly forming snowballs of their own. The Slytherins began their assault, pelting Harry and Ron with a barrage of snowballs.

Ron and Harry retaliated, scooping up snow and hurling it back at their attackers. "Take that, Malfoy!" Ron shouted, his face red with exertion and excitement.

Hermione Granger, who had initially tried to defuse the situation, sighed in exasperation. "Honestly, you two! This is so childish. We should be going to Hagrid's, not wasting time with these ridiculous games."

But her protests fell on deaf ears as Ron and Harry continued their snowy skirmish with the Slytherins. The snowballs flew fast and furious, laughter and shouts echoing across the yard.

Dorian watched the scene unfold, a small smile playing on his lips. He found the whole situation amusing, enjoying the spectacle without feeling the need to join in. The playful rivalry between the two houses was a welcome distraction from the usual tensions of school life.

As the battle raged on, a snowball from Ron went astray and struck Ella Grace, who was crossing the yard on her way back to the castle. Ella stumbled, startled by the unexpected hit, and looked around to see who had thrown it.

Seeing Ella hit by a snowball immediately changed the dynamics for Dorian. His playful demeanor shifted, and he decided to join the fray to defend her honor. With a quick glance at his friends, he signaled his intent.

"Looks like we've got another participant," Dorian announced, scooping up a handful of snow. "Time to show them how it's done."

Draco glanced at Dorian, his smirk widening. "About time you joined us, Valerius."

With renewed energy, the Slytherins redoubled their efforts, launching an even more intense barrage of snowballs at Harry and Ron. The Gryffindors tried their best to fight back, but the sheer number of snowballs coming their way was overwhelming.

Dorian, though usually reserved, found himself enjoying the chaos. He aimed carefully, hitting Ron with a well-placed snowball that knocked the redhead's hat askew. "Sorry, Weasley. That was for Ella." 

Ron glared at Dorian, his face flushed. "You're going to regret that, Valerius!"

The snowball fight escalated, drawing the attention of other students who gathered to watch the spectacle. 

As the chaos continued, a figure emerged from the castle, striding purposefully across the snow-covered yard. It was Professor McGonagall, her expression stern and disapproving.

"What is going on here?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the din.

The students froze, snowballs still in hand, as they turned to face the formidable professor. McGonagall's eyes narrowed as she took in the scene, clearly unimpressed by the childish antics.

"Enough of this nonsense!" she scolded, her voice ringing with authority. "This is not how Hogwarts students are expected to behave. Disperse immediately, and return to your respective activities."

The students hastily dropped their snowballs, the fun abruptly ending as they scrambled to comply with McGonagall's order. 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione quickly regrouped, their faces flushed from the cold and the excitement of the fight. Hermione shot Harry and Ron a reproachful look. "I told you this was a bad idea."

Ron rubbed the back of his neck, looking slightly abashed. "Yeah, well..."

As the students began to disperse, Dorian caught Ella's eye and gave her a small, apologetic smile. She nodded in acknowledgment, a faint smile playing on her lips. Despite the interruption, the day had brought a moment of levity that Dorian found himself appreciating.

McGonagall watched as the students returned to their activities, her stern expression softening slightly as she sighed. "Honestly, sometimes I wonder how we manage to keep this place in order."

With the snowball fight over, Dorian and his friends headed back to the Slytherin common room, their spirits high despite the reprimand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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