Chapter 1: Arrival at Hogwarts

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Dorian Valerius stood at the entrance of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The castle loomed before him, ancient and majestic, shrouded in an aura of mystery that both intrigued and intimidated him. It was a far cry from Durmstrang Institute, where he had spent the previous years honing his magical skills under rigorous, often severe, instruction.

He adjusted the strap of his leather bag on his shoulder, feeling the weight of his belongings and the weight of expectations. Dorian was not just any new student; he was a transfer from Durmstrang, a fact that already set him apart from the others. His pale complexion and sharp, penetrating gaze hinted at a heritage not entirely human, but such matters were best kept concealed within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts.

As he stepped across the threshold, Dorian felt a rush of cool air and a tingling sensation that spoke of powerful enchantments at work. He paused to take in the grandeur of the Entrance Hall, the enchanted ceiling mirroring the night sky above, stars twinkling even in the daytime.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Mr. Valerius," a voice interrupted his reverie. Dorian turned to find Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress, regarding him with a keen, assessing gaze.

"Thank you, Professor," Dorian replied respectfully, inclining his head. "It's an honor to be here."

"Follow me, please," McGonagall instructed briskly, leading him through the corridors of the castle. Dorian tried to absorb everything—the moving staircases, the portraits that whispered amongst themselves, the occasional ghost that floated by.

They reached a secluded room where McGonagall stopped before a tarnished, old hat sitting on a stool.

"This is the Sorting Hat," McGonagall explained, her tone serious. "It will determine which house you belong to. Please place it on your head when I call your name."

Dorian nodded, his heart rate quickening. He had heard of the Sorting Hat and its ability to peer into one's mind and heart, sorting students into Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. The decision it made would shape his experience at Hogwarts.

McGonagall called his name, and Dorian took a deep breath before placing the hat on his head. Immediately, he felt a presence probing his thoughts, unraveling the complexities of his personality and heritage.

"A transfer from Durmstrang, hmm?" a voice echoed in his mind. "Ambitious, determined, with a thirst for knowledge. But there's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?"

Dorian clenched his fists, willing the hat to make its decision quickly. He knew that his background, his mixed heritage, could complicate things. Hogwarts was not known for its tolerance of those who strayed too far from the norm.

"Ah, I see..." the Sorting Hat murmured after what felt like an eternity. "You possess courage and cunning in equal measure, traits that could thrive in any house. But your path lies with..."

"Slytherin!" the Sorting Hat declared aloud, its voice filling the whole room.

Dorian exhaled softly, relief flooding through him. Slytherin—the house of ambition, resourcefulness, and a certain cunning that he knew he could wield to his advantage. He removed the hat and handed it back to McGonagall, who nodded approvingly.

"Welcome to Slytherin House, Mr. Valerius," she said with a hint of a smile. "I trust you will find your place here."

"Thank you, Professor," Dorian replied, feeling a surge of pride as he followed her out of the room.

As they walked through the dungeons toward the Slytherin common room, McGonagall briefed him on the basic rules and expectations of Hogwarts, emphasizing the importance of maintaining secrecy about his background. Dorian listened attentively, committing every detail to memory.

Finally, they reached a stretch of corridor adorned with green and silver tapestries, where McGonagall halted.

"The entrance to your common room is through that wall," she pointed to a seemingly solid stone wall. "You'll need to speak the password—"

"Pureblood," Dorian interjected, recalling the password he had been informed of earlier.

McGonagall raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Very well. Pureblood it is. Your fellow Slytherins are already in their afternoon classes. I suggest you acquaint yourself with your dormitory and settle in. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."

"I will, Professor," Dorian assured her, watching as she turned and walked away.

Taking a deep breath, Dorian approached the wall and spoke the password. The stone slid aside, revealing a dimly lit corridor that led to the Slytherin common room. He entered cautiously, aware of the eyes that watched him curiously from behind books and quills.

Dorian Valerius was determined to make his mark at Hogwarts—to navigate the complexities of his new environment, to excel in his studies, and perhaps, if fate allowed, to find his place among those who shared his ambition and cunning.

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