Chapter 10: Hogsmeade

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The crisp winter air in Hogsmeade was invigorating, carrying with it the scents of freshly baked pastries and frosty snow. The village was alive with the chatter of students and the occasional jingle of bells from shopfronts. As the first rays of sunlight touched the rooftops, the snow-covered streets sparkled under the morning light. The holiday atmosphere was palpable, with twinkling lights adorning every corner and festive decorations hanging from shop windows.

Draco Malfoy, his injury now healed, strolled through the streets of Hogsmeade with a renewed sense of freedom. He was flanked by his usual friends-all of whom were eager to enjoy a day away from the confines of Hogwarts. The group's mood was buoyant, their laughter ringing out as they navigated the snowy streets.

"Finally" Draco exclaimed, his breath misting in the chilly air, "I'm out of that dreadful castle and ready to enjoy some real fun."

Pansy smirked, her dark eyes glinting with mischief. "You certainly look much better, Draco. I suppose a bit of fresh air was just what Madam Pomfrey ordered."

"Or what the Hippogriff ordered" Blaise quipped, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Dorian, who had been quietly enjoying the day, allowed himself a small, contented sigh. The playful banter among his friends was a welcome distraction from the ongoing tensions and rivalries at Hogwarts. He felt a sense of camaraderie as they moved from shop to shop, sampling the various delights that Hogsmeade had to offer.

They stopped by Honeydukes first, the candy shop's warm, sugary scent wafting out the door as they entered. Draco immediately gravitated towards the section filled with chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

"Ah, the sweet bliss of Honeydukes" Draco said, holding up a chocolate frog. "How could anyone resist?"

The others agreed, grabbing their own treats and indulging in the sugary delights. Afterward, they made their way to Zonko's Joke Shop, where the atmosphere was a lively mix of laughter and chaos. The shop was filled with every conceivable prank item-from extendable ears to Skiving Snackboxes.

Dorian watched with amusement as Pansy and Theodore engaged in a playful battle with some of the joke products, causing a minor uproar that drew laughter from nearby students.

"Look at that!" Theodore exclaimed, holding up a box of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. "It's a must-have for our next prank."

Pansy laughed, "Perfect for giving our dear Gryffindor friends a little surprise."

As they continued their exploration, Dorian found himself more and more at ease, the previous tensions of Hogwarts momentarily forgotten. The day felt almost magical, a brief respite from the usual conflicts that defined their school life.

Their carefree enjoyment was interrupted when they approached the Shrieking Shack. The group's laughter faltered as they spotted Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger standing near the edge of the forest, clearly trying to sneak a peek at the abandoned building. The two Gryffindors appeared to be huddled together, their breath visible in the cold air.

"Well, look who we have here" Draco drawled, a smirk forming on his lips. "The Gryffindor duo, out and about without their precious Potter."

Hermione looked up, her cheeks flushed from the cold. "We're not doing anything wrong, Malfoy. Just enjoying the day like everyone else."

Ron's expression hardened, and he shot Draco a suspicious glance. "What are you lot doing here?"

Draco's smirk widened. "Just taking in the sights, Weasley. It's a lovely day for a walk, don't you think?"

As if on cue, Draco's group began to tease Ron and Hermione, their voices carrying through the crisp air. Pansy and Blaise exchanged glances and stifled giggles, clearly enjoying the opportunity to needle their Gryffindor counterparts.

Meanwhile, Harry Potter, who had managed to sneak into Hogsmeade under the cover of his invisibility cloak, observed the scene from a distance. Using the Marauder's Map and the cloak, he had successfully evaded any detection by the staff and was determined to join the fun despite his lack of permission.

As Harry watched, he saw Draco and his friends engaging in playful banter with Ron and Hermione. His fingers itched to join the fray. He spotted a snowbank nearby and, with a mischievous grin, began crafting snowballs. His aim was to target Draco's group, paying special attention to avoid hitting Ron and Hermione directly.

When he felt he had enough snowballs prepared, Harry took a deep breath and threw one towards Draco and his friends. The snowball struck Pansy on the back, causing her to yelp in surprise and spin around. The Slytherins immediately began searching the area, their eyes scanning for the source of the unexpected attack.

"Did anyone see that?" Theodore asked, looking puzzled. "I could have sworn I felt something hit Pansy."

Draco, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected snowball, turned to look at his friends with an incredulous expression. "Who dares to mess with us?"

As another snowball hit Theodore in the face, Harry's aim was becoming increasingly precise. The Slytherins were now fully engaged in trying to figure out the source of the attack. Their confusion only fueled Harry's determination to keep the prank going.

Dorian's senses sharpened further, and he caught a glimpse of something faintly shimmering out of the corner of his eye. He knew it was Harry's cloak, and it brought a knowing smile to his lips. He decided to have a bit of fun himself.

Dorian approached the area where he suspected Harry might be hiding. He called out, his tone playful. "You're not exactly invisible to everyone."

Harry froze, his heart pounding. With a quick glance around, Harry decided to retreat further into the shadows, taking care not to make any sudden movements.

Dorian's smile widened as he continued to scan the area. "It seems we have an invisible troublemaker among us" he said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

The Slytherins, still puzzled by the snowball attacks, continued their search. They seemed to be on edge, their laughter fading as they grew more focused on their surroundings.

Finally, after a few more snowballs and a lot of confusion, Harry decided it was best to make his escape. He slipped away from the group, heading back towards the relative safety of the forest. As he moved, he could still hear the faint echoes of Draco and his friends, their voices filled with curiosity and irritation.

Back with Draco and his friends, the tension began to ease as they realized the snowball attacks had stopped. The group, though still somewhat bemused, decided to return to their original plan. They continued their day in Hogsmeade, though with a newfound wariness of the snowy surroundings.

As the day came to an end, Dorian walked alongside Draco, Pansy, and the others, his earlier amusement still lingering. He glanced back towards the direction where Harry had made his retreat, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well" Dorian said "that was quite the unexpected twist to our day."

Draco sighed "Indeed. It seems we have a hidden prankster among us."

Pansy added "And they've certainly made things more interesting."

As they made their way back to Hogwarts, the atmosphere was light, filled with the echoes of laughter and good-natured teasing. The day had been filled with unexpected surprises and moments of camaraderie, and despite the ongoing rivalry, there was a sense of enjoyment in the air.

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