Chapter 2: First impressions

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The Slytherin common room was a study in shades of green and silver, illuminated by the flickering light of enchanted sconces that cast dancing shadows on the walls. Dorian Valerius stood in the center of the room, feeling the weight of curious gazes upon him. Some students pretended not to notice, absorbed in their books or conversations, while others openly observed the newcomer with varying degrees of interest.

Taking a deep breath, Dorian approached the fireplace where a group of Slytherin students lounged on plush armchairs and sofas. They were engaged in a heated discussion that abruptly halted as he drew near.

A tall, dark-haired boy with sharp features and calculating eyes regarded him with a hint of skepticism. "Durmstrang, huh? What brings you to Hogwarts?"

Dorian met the boy's gaze evenly. "My family decided it was time for a change." 

A girl with long, raven hair and an air of haughtiness spoke up next. "I'm Pansy Parkinson. Welcome to Slytherin."

"Hi" Dorian greeted, offering a polite nod to the group. "I'm Dorian Valerius."

The conversation resumed, albeit with an undercurrent of curiosity directed toward Dorian. He found himself answering questions about his background, his experiences at Durmstrang, and his thoughts on various magical subjects. Despite the initial wariness, Dorian's intelligence and confidence began to earn him a measure of respect among his new peers.

Thirty minutes passed in conversation and getting to know each other until the shadows grew longer and the fire burned lower. Dorian realized that he hadn't even unpacked his belongings yet.

"I should probably go and settle into my dormitory," Dorian said reluctantly, standing up from his seat.

"You're in luck," the dark-haired boy, whose name Dorian learned was Theodore Nott, remarked with a smirk. "We're in the same year. I'll show you to our dormitory."

Dorian followed Theodore out of the common room and through a series of winding corridors that led deeper into the dungeons. As they walked, Theodore provided Dorian with useful tidbits about Hogwarts—secret passageways, the best places to study, and which professors to avoid crossing.

"Here we are," Theodore announced finally, stopping before a stretch of tapestry depicting a cunning serpent.

The tapestry swung aside, revealing a cozy chamber with four four-poster beds draped in green and silver hangings. Dorian selected an unoccupied bed and began unpacking his belongings.

"You'll find that Slytherins stick together," Theodore remarked, lounging on his own bed. "We look out for our own. Just remember to earn your place."

Dorian nodded, appreciating the camaraderie among his housemates. Despite their reputation for ambition and cunning, there was a sense of unity and loyalty that appealed to him.

The days at Hogwarts passed swiftly as Dorian settled into a routine of classes, study sessions in the library, and occasional visits to the Slytherin common room. He found himself gravitating toward certain classmates—Theodore Nott, who shared his interest in ancient runes; Millicent Bulstrode, whose no-nonsense demeanor hid a sharp wit; and Blaise Zabini, whose elegant charm belied a keen intellect.

In the midst of his studies and social interactions, Dorian also kept a watchful eye on the happenings at Hogwarts. Rumors circulated about Sirius Black, the notorious fugitive supposedly lurking around the grounds. Dementors had been stationed at the castle to guard against his potential return, casting an eerie chill over the normally bustling corridors.

One afternoon, as Dorian navigated his way to the library, he encountered Draco Malfoy in the hallway. Draco was accompanied by two other boys—Crabbe and Goyle—who eyed Dorian with mild curiosity.

"Draco Malfoy" Draco introduced himself with a nod, his silver-blond hair catching the light. "You're the transfer from Durmstrang, right?"

"Yes, Dorian Valerius" Dorian replied, extending a hand in greeting. "Pleasure to meet you."

Draco shook his hand briefly before gesturing to his companions. "This is Crabbe and Goyle. We were just heading to the library. Care to join us?"

Dorian hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. He had heard about Draco Malfoy—son of a wealthy pureblood family, with a reputation for ambition and influence. Joining Draco's circle could provide valuable connections and insights into Hogwarts politics.

"Sure" Dorian agreed, falling into step beside Draco as they made their way down the corridor.

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