Chapter 6: Stalking in the Night

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The stillness of the night at Hogwarts was broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. While most students slept soundly in their dormitories, Dorian Valerius was wide awake, consumed by an inexplicable need that gnawed at his very core. He lay in bed, his dark eyes fixed on the ceiling, the silver ring on his finger cool against his skin. His thoughts were a chaotic swirl, dominated by one person: Ella Grace. 

Without fully understanding why, Dorian found himself drawn to her with a force that went beyond mere attraction. It was as if something within him—a darker, more primal part—demanded to be close to her, to watch over her, even if from afar. And so, each night, he gave in to this compulsion.

In the dead of night, when the castle was enveloped in darkness, Dorian would silently slip out of the Slytherin dormitory. His transformation into a sleek, ebony bat was swift and seamless, a testament to his vampire heritage. With a flutter of wings, he would take to the sky, navigating the corridors with ease until he reached the Gryffindor tower.

From his perch outside the windows, Dorian could see Ella's silhouette, her form outlined by the soft glow of candlelight as she read or prepared for bed. His keen eyesight allowed him to observe every detail, from the way she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear to the gentle rise and fall of her breath as she slept. He watched, entranced, his heart aching with a possessive yearning that he didn't fully understand.

Each night, after ensuring Ella was safe and undisturbed, Dorian would fly towards the Forbidden Forest. The dense canopy of trees offered him solitude and a place to reflect. As he landed on a secluded clearing and transformed back into his human form, Dorian's mind was a turbulent sea of emotions.

He paced restlessly under the moonlight, the shadows of the trees casting eerie shapes around him. "What am I doing?" he muttered to himself, frustration and confusion lacing his voice. "Why do I feel this way?"

Dorian knew it was his vampire nature that drove him to such lengths. The possessiveness, the need to watch over Ella, to protect her—it was all part of the predatory instincts that he had inherited. Yet, he couldn't help but blame himself for giving in to these urges. It felt wrong, intrusive, and yet he couldn't stop.

"What if she finds out?" he whispered to the night, his voice barely audible. The thought of Ella discovering his true identity, of seeing him for the creature he was, filled him with dread. He couldn't bear the idea of her looking at him with fear or disgust.

The Forbidden Forest, with its ancient trees and hidden dangers, was the perfect place for such introspection. As he sat on a fallen log, Dorian tried to sort through his feelings. He thought about Ella's smile, her laughter, the way she looked at him with those bright, inquisitive eyes. She saw him as Dorian, a Slytherin student, not as the part-vampire struggling with his darker nature.

In the dimly lit Slytherin common room, a group of students were engaged in a heated discussion of their own. Draco Malfoy, ever the provocateur, was leading the conversation with his usual disdain for Gryffindors.

"Did you hear Potter and his gang talking about Sirius Black again?" Draco sneered. "As if they're the only ones who matter at this school."

Pansy Parkinson, always ready to support Draco, added, "Those Gryffindors think they're so brave and noble. It's pathetic, really."

Blaise Zabini, lounging nearby, smirked. "Let them have their delusions. It just makes it easier for us to stay on top."

The Slytherins' disdain for Gryffindors was a constant undercurrent, fueling the rivalry between the houses. Yet, amid the slurs and sneers, Dorian felt a growing disconnect. His thoughts drifted back to Ella, and he wondered how she would react if she knew about his nightly vigil.

As the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Dorian made his way back to the castle. His transformation back into a bat was swift, and he flew through the open window of his dormitory, landing silently on the cold stone floor. He shifted back to his human form and climbed into bed, his mind still racing with thoughts of Ella and the strange possessiveness that gripped him.

Sleep eluded him as he lay there, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't shake the feeling that his actions were crossing a line, that his need to watch over Ella was spiraling into something more dangerous.

And yet, despite his inner turmoil, Dorian couldn't deny the powerful connection he felt with her. He longed to tell her the truth, to share the burden of his secret, but the fear of losing her kept him silent.

Dorian made a silent vow to himself. He would find a way to control his possessive urges, to balance his vampire nature with the humanity that Ella brought out in him. He couldn't afford to lose her, not now, not ever.

With that resolve, Dorian closed his eyes, allowing sleep to finally claim him. But even in his dreams, Ella's face haunted him, a constant reminder of the fine line he walked between love and obsession, between the protector and the predator. 

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