Chapter 5: The Ring of Protection

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The Hogwarts library was bathed in the soft glow of afternoon sunlight filtering through the tall windows. Dorian Valerius sat at a secluded table, his attention divided between the ancient tome on magical creatures in front of him and the Gryffindor girl across the room. Ella Grace, her bright blonde hair falling gently over her shoulders, was engrossed in a book about charms and their intricate applications. 

Since the incident with the Whomping Willow, Dorian and Ella had developed a friendship. They exchanged brief conversations whenever they crossed paths, often in the library where both found solace amidst the towering shelves of books. Despite the tensions between their houses, Dorian couldn't help but feel drawn to Ella's unique blend of curiosity and kindness. 

His eyes, dark and intense, often lingered on her when she wasn't looking. This did not escape the notice of his friends, especially Pansy Parkinson, whose dark hair framed her sharp features like a curtain of shadows. Pansy, always keen on gossip and drama, had been observing Dorian closely. 

"Dorian, you seem quite taken with that Gryffindor" Pansy remarked one evening as they walked through the dungeons towards the Slytherin common room.

Dorian raised an eyebrow, feigning indifference. "Ella Grace? She's just interesting to talk to, that's all."

Blaise Zabini, walking beside Pansy, chuckled softly. "Interesting, huh? You've been staring at her like she's the solution to all your mysteries."

Draco Malfoy, trailing behind them, smirked. "Could it be that our Dorian has a soft spot for the mudblood?"

Dorian scowled at Draco, his temper flaring momentarily before he regained his composure. "Watch your words, Malfoy."

Pansy laughed. "Oh, listen to him defend her! I knew there was something brewing."

Ignoring their teasing, Dorian adjusted the ring on his finger absently. It was a simple silver band adorned with two intricately carved skeletons and a ruby tomb-shaped gemstone set on top. The ring held a deeper significance than mere decoration—it protected him from the harmful effects of sunlight, a constant reminder of his dual nature. 

Later that week, in the quiet confines of the library, Dorian, again, stayed with Ella. They discussed spells, potions, and even the complexities of magical creatures. 

"You have a unique perspective on these subjects" Ella remarked, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "I've never met a Slytherin quite like you, Dorian."

Dorian smiled warmly, a rush of affection swelling within him. "And I've never met anyone quite like you, Ella."

Their conversation continued late into the afternoon, the library's tranquil ambiance a backdrop to their growing friendship. Dorian cherished these moments—moments spent with someone who understood him in ways that few others did. 

As they prepared to leave the library, Dorian hesitated for a moment, his hand lingering on Ella's arm. "Would you like to walk to the Great Hall together? I hear they're serving treacle tart today."

Ella's eyes lit up with a smile, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "I'd like that, Dorian."

They walked side by side through the castle corridors, their laughter mingling with the chatter of students heading to their evening meal. Dorian glanced down at the ring on his finger, its silver gleam catching the light.

Yet, as he looked at Ella—her laughter bright, her spirit strong—he realized that she, too, was a kind of protection. A beacon of light in the shadows...

As they entered the Great Hall together, Dorian felt a surge of gratitude for the ring on his finger and the girl by his side. Here, amidst the bustle of Hogwarts life, he found solace in their budding friendship, a connection that transcended the boundaries of house rivalry and whispered gossip.

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