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Olivia's POV
I watch the light blue sky goes to a yellowish orange (yes, orange. ARE YOU HAPPY SQUASHY?!). The sun going down and the stars coming out. I stand up and walk back inside. Closing the door, I hear someone scream and bump my head on an object. Everything goes black.
K-Kareena? I look as I watch her walk, Lance would be scared. It's my other cousin. Me Diane and her are cousins. Everything disappeared.
"HELP" I scream. No answer which freaks the living heck outta me. I try walking around in the darkness, it's really hard because you can't tell whether or not you'll trip on something or do something stupid but hey, what's stupid in my opinion. (Let's see. I certain person commenting on everything latest chapter, but that's not stupid. You know who you are). As I struggle to find balance in this weird room of darkness, I hit my head on some object.
I regain my conscious as water fills my mouth. I open my eyes, sit up and spit out the water. I give a questioning look because 1, there's no one here that could've filled my mouth with the water. 2, I remember hitting an object of some sort before I fell unconscious but there's no sign of any kind of object that could hit me so hard to knock me out. I stand up and open Ian's door, the first on the left but there's no sign on him. I open the rest of the others doors but no one is to be found either and that's when I really start to panick. Looking around the whole house, still, there's no sign of where they've gone.
H-has everyone just suddenly disappeared? I ask myself. Trying to push the thought of them leaving me alone, I walk downstairs to the basement. It looks the same from when Ian threw me into one of those cells, the only thing that's different is that there are bowls. Some stacked, some laid on the floor, I just don't get it. Walking back upstairs and into the living room, I notice a little piece of paper taped to the front door. I take the note. "All your friends will pay" the note read. Fear ran over my whole body. Where is everyone?

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