Olivia's Secret

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(Olivia's secret is pretty obvious)
Olivia's POV
I walk behind Jerome and Angel to make sure no one sneaks up on us. If that happens, I could blast them and we run. I stop for a sec and point towards the south west where I think Lachlan, Mitch and Adam are. I teleport into a bush and put my head up. Only to see Lachlan sitting down and Mitch and Adam arguing. Oh god. If those two keep it up, Team Crafted will be no more. I jump out of the bush and wave at them. Looking behind me, Jerome and Angel are no where to be found. I turn and see two faces come out of no where "AHHHHHHHH!!!" I open my eyes to see it was them. "You guys are a-- never mind" CraftBattlePony insists that I sit down for a bit, I throw his bag at him. He laughs though moments later, I fall asleep.
Jason's POV
I walk into this forest and now I'm lost. No one is here from what hear but after a bit of calculation, I hear arguing. That's probably Mitch and Adam. Ever since that interview, they'd argue and an hour later, they'd talk like friends. Weird. I follow the sound and hear a loud blast from behind me. I freeze but turn to see what happened. I sigh in relief, it's only Seto but I never knew he could do a spell like that. He decends onto the floor as I keep walking to the sound. Seto follows me though, after a while he ran past me still the direction we were headed. I catch up with him and See some of the guys. I wonder where everyone else is.
Lance's POV
I'm doing stuff. Watching television, being kinda lazy, usual stuff, right? Though, I'm starting to wonder where everyone else is. In the house there's Chef Si Mong, Quentin, Ty, Ian, Olivia's cousin, I think that's everyone. I take my laptop for the table and try doing stuff and by stuff, I probably mean games. What sucks is that my laptop is REALLY laggy, a least most of the time( like irl ). Now, I'm starting to wonder what Olivia was doing in Ian's room. I push the thought away and play games for the whole day.
Okay, this chapter wasn't 400 words but it was 380 words. It's pretty close and I've had a song from Tom and Jerry The Movie stuck in my head. It's a classic. I also thought of how this book is going t end but I'm still making this as long as possible. If I run out of ideas, I'll be sure to start writing the begging ing of the end. Anyway, enjoy your weekend. Bye!

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