The Search

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Lachlan's POV
Olivia and I look for places of where the guys might be. It felt like an hours worth of searching though the sun just started to set. Okay, I know I have a lot of nicknames but I can't think of a name for Olivia which I guess is considered as  her middle name. It hasn't been confirmed with mine and her parents but she's used to being call Olivia. She doesn't like it even when I say her first name but she accepts it rarely. I guess her nickname for now would be Pula, close to her name but without an 'A'.
My sword shines in the sunlight as I hold it while Olivia's bow is being held  by the wood. Leaves rustle as we start getting closer to a bush. A dead zombie falls down from the bush (sound familiar?). Weird but not as my younger cousin being a nature lover. Anyway, we keep walking down a path that most certainly leads into a forest to where that forest would lead to a dessert... Or so they say. I look for a source of life that may appear to be human but, no success. The trees cover us from seeing anything that can be in there. The bad news is, it's night time so that means it's dark. It's bad to be wandering in a forest, especially when you aren't able to see anything. In that case, we might fall into a cave, bump into a zombie, get shot from somewhere but not knowing where it's coming from, yeah, there's a lot on our list.
I know I'll regret this but what's life without regret? We start walking into the darkness. I look at Olivia and she looks pretty determined to find them but with a hint of worry. Her head shoots up. She puts her bag onto the ground and takes out a stick with some black stuff on it. Ahh, an unlit torch. Olivia hands me the torch and with pleasure, I strike the dark end on a nearby tree. Luckily I didn't start a forest fire.
I hold the torch up, looking into the shimmering colours of red, orange and yellow surrounding the top edge. Olivia points forward of us about to say something but closes her mouth. I raise my eyebrow but there's half a chance she'll see. I take out a map as I hand the torch to her. I keep walking forward. "Watch out!" I hear Olivia shout. Looking up and behind me, I trip on what seems to be a log. Groaning sounds surround the area of which I'm in. From logic, probably what Olivia'd say, logs don't groan. I stand up and look at a guy wearing a white shirt, greyish pants and green and black headphones.
"Ty?" I hear Olivia question. He stands up as I try to look at him for a different point of view. Yep that's definitely Ty. He waves at both of us but gives me a questioning look. "I don't believe we've met" he says, raising an eyebrow. "I'll introduce you guys later" Olivia looks at Ty with a happy expression on her face though she looks pretty tired. "You three look tired" I look around to see the person that said that. Finally, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see- Seto! It's been a while since I've seen him. I smile.
~Two Hours Later~
Everyone's asleep except for Olivia. Oh no. "Olivia, have you told them yet?" She looks at me with a sad expression on her face then shakes her head. Olivia sighs. "Why'd you remind me?"

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