Chapter 33 - Operation 'Save Bakugo'

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comparing this chapter to the last one, this one hits it out of the park 😭🙏🏻 once i get to my revision rounds, i promise they'll all seem as well written as this one might lol

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The tightness in your chest grew unbearable, each breath and tear being a painful reminder of your perceived failure. Waves of regret crashed over you, amplifying that guilty feeling. You replayed the scene over and over in your mind, each iteration fueling your self-reproach.

Why hadn't you pushed harder to activate your quirk? Why had you stood there, paralyzed, while Bakugo fought alone? The overwhelming guilt gnawed at your very core, a relentless torment that made you feel utterly worthless and powerless in the face of the threat.

A profound sense of guilt weighed heavily on your shoulders. Bakugo had been the only one fighting against Himiko, while you stood frozen, feeling utterly useless. The thought gnawed at you that he might have sacrificed himself just to protect you, amplifying your sense of failure and helplessness.

And is that really what a hero is supposed to do?

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a tap on your shoulder, someone falling to your side. "What happened, (Y/N)?! Are you alright?!" a raspy voice questioned beside you.

Your throat tightened, words choking you as they remained stuck and clogged, refusing to escape from the back of your throat. The mere thought of what those villains could do to Bakugo made you utterly sick to your stomach.

The vivid, horrifying images that flashed through your mind left you feeling nauseous and helpless, consumed by dread and fear for his fate.

What if they killed him?

And you felt as if his death would be all your fault. All because you were too weak to do anything.

You hastily shook your head in response to Kirishima, your breaths coming out in heavy, sobbing gasps. Desperation and sorrow etched your every movement, your body trembling with the intensity of your emotions.

Kirishima's eyes darted around, he tried to remain calm, but not even he himself could keep his composure. "It's—It's okay..! I promise, just breathe, okay? Take a deep breath," his tone of voice was soothing and comforting, but it wasn't exactly helping.

You took a shaky, long breath, trying to explain what just happened. You knew you needed to act quickly and figure out a plan to get Bakugo back from the villains.

You huffed shakily, trying to stabilize your breathing pattern. You took one last deep breath, hand on your stomach and chest. "B-Bakugo—they took him!" you shakily replied, trying to cough out the clogged words at the back of your throat.

Kirishima's eyes slowly widened, and he paused for a moment. "W—What?" he slowly asked, mouth slightly agape. He hesitated to even say anything else, turning backward, noticing Shoto and Yaoyorozu standing there with wide, shaky eyes.

Kirishima had an uneasy look plastered across his face, and his lips began to quiver, amplifying that queasy feeling he had. "Ok.. let's—let's stay calm." he finally said.

The breeze brushed by for a moment in the midst of silence. Shoto and Yaoyorozu looked equally as shocked as Kirishima did. You felt the tears begin to stream down your face once again, "It's.. all my fault," you started, covering your face with the palms of your hands.

Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows, perplexed. "He was fighting Himiko and.. and I couldn't do anything, I tried to use my quirk—but it didn't work, and he fought her all alone," you explained, the huffs of breath making your voice tremble.

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