A Simple Situation

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AN; Hi guys! Just letting you know I have no experience whatsoever with stab wounds, so anything you see in here should not be applied to real life. 😅


The Cheshire Cat's daughter wasn't particularly sure how long she'd been sitting there. Although, in her own defence, her cognitive thought had all but burned down when she realised Ginny had shoved a knife into her side. Any attempt to move around was excruciating and would jostle the dagger snug inside of her, triggering a blinding burn-like pain through her lower half. So, there she stayed, frantically rummaging through her mind for a way out of this horrifying situation.

Trying to get up was out of the question. Simply breathing too hard would nudge the dagger, which Cassie, unfortunately, discovered a moment or two ago when she almost passed out on the second try. Plus, she'd lost contact with her legs around five minutes beforehand. She could only guess this was from shock, since the dagger was firmly rooted and spared only a little room for blood to trickle.

Cassie didn't know when Ginny had finally disappeared. She'd been a little too occupied to focus on the daughter of Gothel. Ginny had to have gone running back to wherever Maddy and the gang hid, gleefully desperate to announce to the mad witch that she'd succeeded in her vicious task. This, in Cassie's opinion, was extremely fucked. She'd never considered that Maddy would go to such extreme measures in order to spite Harry. Although, thinking on it further, Cassie should have really considered it. She'd overestimated the witch's interest, apparently.

Carefully, she inhaled, a slight whine moving through her lips. Turning her head, she hoped to find someone she recognised. She was incredibly sleepy, and keeping her eyes open was becoming a bit of a struggle. Strange, given she'd been sleeping for the majority of the day. Until she realised, worryingly, that it was the knife in her stomach that was causing it.

"You're okay, you're okay," she muttered over and over, hopeful that if she said it enough, it'd sink in and reassure her somehow. Besides, the fight was about to start. All she had to do was stay awake.

Speaking of, would Maddy and her gang still show up for the duel if Ginny had shanked Cassie? The whole point of it was to battle for the little cat, which didn't exactly make sense if she wasn't alive. Unless, of course, it was all in the name of ego. It was also likely to have something to do with the turf Uma was aiming to take over. Whoever won the fight not only won Cassie, but the Core Four's old hunting grounds as well. Thus, all things considered, there was a good chance Maddy would still turn up.

Then came a whistle. At first, Cassie thought it was just the wind. Until she clocked on to the familiar tune.

"Yo-ho, all hands."

Cassie couldn't help but laugh, only to grimace a moment later when it shuffled the dagger. She hadn't run out of lives just yet.

"Hoist the colours hi—holy Hades, what the fuck happened to you?" Kody, though somewhat blurry, given Cassie's state, was practically a blessing from Auradon.

"Uh, well." Cassie pointedly gestured to the dagger. "Got stabbed."

The young pirate took his damned time walking over and crouched down when he got close enough. "Shit," he mumbled, almost as flabbergasted as Cassie had been when Ginny had the nerve to shank her. Then a contemplative expression crossed his face. "You think this is your karma for getting me stabbed?"

Cassie was, naturally, taken aback. "You're serious?"

Kody nodded. "Yup." He studied the wound from where he was. "Same place too! Look at that." The smile that stretched his lips was far too joyful.

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