Heroes and Villains

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. Swearing.
. Mentions of suicide/suicidal intent.
. Death/Violence.

The first - and only, thing Cassie felt was pain. It stung in her palms, and ached in her knees and calves, and she had no way to describe how terrible it was in her stomach and ribs. It felt like she'd fallen from her 'window' at Bargain Castle and had been unfortunate enough to survive such a drop.

Cassie twitched her index finger, a swell of anxiety unsettling her stomach when she felt a soft sort of material beneath her fingers. She pushed down a little harder, her hand pressing against a cushiony surface. It wasn't her poor excuse of a bed she was laying in, if it was she'd easily be able to notice the hardwood through the thin layer of blankets she wrapped herself up in each and every night. She had to be somewhere else, but where?

The little cat frowned, her brows furrowed as she attempted to regain her other senses. She strained to hear a voice, something to let her know exactly where she'd wound up, but there was nothing. Just an unbearable silence.

With nothing to hear, Cassie slowly inhaled through her nose and released, hoping a smell of some kind could help her figure things out. It was a relief to her when the stench of the ocean didn't pass through, a greater part of her overbearing worry soothed now that she knew she wasn't on the pirate ship again. The scent wasn't too displeasing, but it did leave a rather nauseating and bitter taste on the back of her tongue, and it was enough to get her brain functioning a little better. After all, there was only one place she'd been to before that had that smell.

So, she was at Helena's place. It wasn't a moment of utter joy, since Cassie could vividly remember the last meeting she'd had with the Queen of Hearts, but anything was better than Uma's pirate ship.

Now that she had a better idea of where she was, and how much danger she was in, Cassie took this moment to try and get her eyes working. A task easier said than done. Her lids felt heavy, the simple act of opening her eyes a little harder than she anticipated, and Cassie struggled to get them open.

When she eventually succeeded in the embarrassingly difficult task, she was disheartened to find her vision somewhat distorted. Everything was blurry, and the sudden itch didn't help either.

A faint scuffling sound reached her ears and Cassie tensed, quickly shutting her eyes. Until she knew why she was here, and if she was even safe, she thought it best to play 'Sleeping Beauty' a little bit longer. After all, there was no guarantee she hadn't had some sort of scuffle with Helena again and that the Queen had knocked her out with that awful liquid.

The noise grew louder and, soon enough, Cassie could hear the creak in the floorboards as whoever it was came closer. She stayed as still as she could, pressing her palms and fingers flat against the surface beneath her as her limbs trembled. She was scared but there was no way in Hades she was opening her eyes, and in her state, she couldn't even begin to think about a plan of attack. She just had to lay there.

Whoever this person was, they didn't make much noise. If the flooring wasn't so poorly laid down then Cassie wouldn't even know they were there. They had to be small, possibly like her, or they might just be light on their feet. Either way, the little cat had no way of knowing and it irritated her immensely.

Cassie felt the warmth surrounding her body disappear, and she soon realised she must've been covered in a blanket. She was extremely relieved to find the room wasn't as cold as her hideaway was; It was rather warm when compared to most places on the Isle. However, when the material was slowly and gently pulled away from her body, Cassie almost squeaked in protest when she came to the awkward realisation that she wasn't wearing her dress.

'Oh fuck, I'm naked,' she mentally gasped. It was one thing to be in a room and unable to defend yourself, but it was a whole different thing to be naked in that particular situation. A situation that Cassie, with utter mortification, was currently going through.

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