Something Secret

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Hi readers!

There will be a few new characters in this story. So, as a reminder, the only characters of my own creation are Cassie and Helena. All the others belong to the Descendants creators/writers.

Also, I never did watch the animated Descendants series. So if the characters in here are also in there, they probably won't be anything close to the animated portrayals.


The sounds from Dragon Hall could be heard from Helena's salon. Considering how deathly quiet the Isle was when the sun went down, it was somewhat understandable, but the vibrations pulsing through the concrete floor were incredibly daunting. Cassie could practically feel it thumping against the bottom of her feet, enhancing her already fragile nerves. The cold air made her shiver, but whatever Helena had poured into their glasses back in the salon had Cassie encompassed by a faint warmth.

Helena was practically skipping on their way to Dragon Hall, her fingers tightly wound with Cassie's to pull the little cat along with her. Whatever 'fear' Helena claimed to have felt when she was doing Cassie's hair earlier seemed to have disappeared all together; either that, or her friend was very, very good at keeping it under wraps. Unfortunately for Cassie, she was still reeling from Helena's 'laws of attraction' explanation.

If nothing else, Helena was a wonderful teacher-not that Cassie had doubted it for a second. To begin, the Queen of Hearts had explained just what sexual attraction was and what it felt like, which, as it turned out, was extremely similar to apprehension.

"It's not as hard to understand as you might think, Pussycat," she began, pulling up one of the chairs to sit directly beside Cassie. "It feels like moths flying around in your stomach." Helena's eyes drifted upward, a sly kind of smile tugging at her lips. "Or maybe a little lower than that."

Cassie blinked, quite bewildered. "Lower than that?"

Bringing her eyes back to Cassie's face, Helena's lips thinned momentarily. "Have you ever felt it? When you see someone that maybe looks a little bit yummier than everyone else?"

The little cat paused, her eyes flicking to the side as she did her best to rummage through her brain. There were very few moments she could recall something like that happening to her, but the VK's that had managed to draw it out stirred a familiar irritation.

"When I met Maddy for the first time," she admitted rather shamefully. "I remember how she looked at me. It was, well, kind'a weird for me. My tummy started to feel weird, and I got goosebumps on my arms. But that's being nervous, right?"

Thankfully, Cassie found no judgement in Helena's expression, only understanding. "It can feel like you're nervous sometimes. But it's easier to figure out which is which as time goes on. Did it happen with anyone before Maddy?"

Cassie took a sip of the lukewarm liquid in her cup, its bitterness soothed by a strange fruity tang. Then she managed to mutter, "It happened once or twice with Harry." She left it at that, not wanting to go into further detail. If she had, she would've been forced to admit just how often he'd managed to stir some form of pleasant disruption in her stomach.

"Oh, I don't doubt that," giggled Helena, resting her cheek on her palm. "Nice to look at, isn't he?"

"But how do you know if it's nerves or... something else?" asked Cassie, hoping to navigate their conversation back to its original purpose.

Helena gave Cassie a look, one that let the little cat know that Helena knew exactly what she was doing, but, to Cassie's relief, she let it go. "Well, this is all new for you, so it's gonna feel the same no matter what. These are new feelings, and you're gonna wanna run away from them. What's important, though, is that you don't have to rush it. Don't feel like it's something you have to figure out right away, like it's something to cross off on your list. You can figure it out at your own pace. It can be scary, but it's easier to work out when you find someone you can trust."

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