Just a Little Taste

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. Swearing (Again)
. Is interrogation a warning? I don't know. But it's in here.

The first thing Cassie felt was an immense and constant throb radiating through her head, the sudden and overwhelming pain making it hard for her to think and fully comprehend just where the pirate had taken her. She blinked furiously as her hazy vision slowly came back into focus, her dark eyes squinting up at the dark and dirty ceiling. Wherever she was it wasn't a place she was familiar with, that much she knew.

The small girl winced and bit down on her bottom lip, her bones cracking and aching as she attempted to sit up. She inhaled a deep breath and grimaced, an unwelcome and strong scent of fish and salt flowing in through her nostrils.

'Damn it,' she thought, her right hand moving to press lightly against her forehead. She was still in pirate territory, but if that was the case then where the hell were the pirates?

Cassie gasped as she gently probed at her head, her fingers soon making contact with a rather sore area on the left side of her face. She couldn't remember much before waking up in this odd place, only bits and pieces. One moment she was unnervingly close to the red pirate and the next...well, nothing. She didn't remember him dragging her back to the ship, or wherever he came from, and despite how frail and fatigued she'd been when they caught her she surely would have been able to recount the pirates bringing her to this strange room.

"Motherfucker!" Cassie yelped in sudden realisation. The pain in her head, plus her inability to remember exactly how she got to the room she was currently sitting in, gave her the answer loud and clear.

He'd knocked her out. Whether it was to keep her quiet and somewhat submissive enough for them to get her back to their place, or just for the sake of mere amusement and retaliation for the scratches she gave him, Cassie wasn't sure. Either way, she felt like she'd run straight into a wall, head first, and now she was sitting in some shitty little dark room.

Cassie grunted and reached out her hand, feeling for some kind of unmovable surface in the darkness she was currently engulfed in and - when she found it, she used it to help herself get up and onto her feet.

The moment the small girl managed to stand straight, however, her sight became fuzzy once again. Her knees buckled for a second and she struggled to keep herself from falling to the floor, her upper body pushed firmly against the wall behind her as she tried to stand once more.

"I'm gonna kill him," she muttered to herself, keeping one hand against the side of her head as she stumbled her way forward, her feet a little less than enthusiastic about following her demands.

"Good luck with that."

Cassie jumped and yelped at the unfamiliar female voice. She took a quick step back and turned her head to the direction it had come from, only for a groan to pass through her lips as her head greatly protested the rapid movement.

"Damn," she hissed, clenching her eyes shut for a small second before she even attempted to look again. She tilted her head to the side and saw a rather short figure standing in the doorway, barely illuminated by the lanterns in the hallway behind them.

"Who the fuck are you?" Cassie demanded, slowly taking a few steps forward.

The unknown girl didn't reply, and when Cassie saw her turn to leave she almost spoke up. Almost.

The little cat inwardly scolded herself for being so rude to the nosy girl, but it wasn't all her fault. After all, she had just woken up from being knocked out by a psychotic pirate, it was only reasonable for her to be a little snappy with whoever decided to speak to her. But she was also alone in dangerous territory, and despite her fondness for staying away from other humans she also yearned to know what the hell was going on. The red pirate hadn't killed her and she deserved to know why.

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