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Kayce and Anna above.
Wade POV(*^▽^*)

I woke up, and got something to eat. After I ate some toast, I went up to wake up Mark.

I opened his door and found him cuddling Kayce.

I poke Mark, "Marrrk..... Maaarrrkkk"

"TO IRELAND!" He yelled, "huh? Oh, Wade."

"To Ireland?"

"Kayce was crying, so I tried to get her to sleep. I promised I would message Jack, hand me my phone."

Mark POV (/^▽^)/

Wade handed me my phone and I direct tweeted Jack.

Me: Kayce cried herself to sleep, can I fly over there?
Jack: sure! More the company, more the BOSS!!!!

Me: alright I'll be over in 3 days possibly.

And we ended it there.

I ran upstairs, at the top of the stairs I yelled, "GIRLS! PACK UP!!!!!"

They run out of their room. Kayce out of mine.

"What up, Dad?" Kayce asked.

"Pack up... We're going to Ireland!"


One Day Later.

I got some of my clothes packed. Now time for a hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, laptop, flash drive, webcam, a small microphone, and such.

"Well girls, you got your clothes packed."

"Yup!!!!!" They nod.


Another day passed.

"Got all your videos set?"

"Yea, "

" you seem tired, you should get some rest" Kayce said.

" thanks Kayce, but I need to take care of you guys"

Or along the way from my room to the kitchen I passed out on the couch. I ended up falling asleep laying on Wade's lap.


Final day- at the airport.


"Sup, ugly ass bitch"

I step in so Kayce won't be offended.

"You again? You still have NO friends" I said proudly.

A/N: Short? Its hard. Ok?

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