Exhaustion | [Dog Days AU]

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Ashlyn is tired, and Aiden is there to help her.

(Part 3 of 'Normal Day In The Facility')


When she was a child, she liked dogs.

She would give them temporary shelter, before giving them in to local animal shelters.

She would treat them like humans.

But why didn't they treat her the same as she treats those dogs?

The staff stared at the chained up girl, each one of them looking at one another. “Boss, are you sure that we should continue this experiment? She looks drained..” One of them asked, as he looked concerned for the ginger.

The poor girl was covered in more cuts, her ears bleeding, and she was beaten up. A while ago, they had conducted an experiment of getting aggressive infected, in the same room as her. They wanted to see the relationship of her and the infected.

The infected were more hostile this time, and mercilessly attacked her. All the girl could do was to attempt and kick them away, but at a cost, her legs would get scars, and they even broke her left ankle in the meantime.

The lead looked at the girl, before looking down at the results that was clipped to his clipboard. He thought about it, before nodding. “Sure. She can have a break, but make sure the muzzle doesn't get off of her.”

The person who asked, sighed quietly in relief, before the leader stood up and commanded the guards to let her go.

The guards eventually lead her to the infirmary, where they finally cleaned her practically self-blood coated body and patched her scars up.

After wards, they sent her back to her room, and she immediately ran towards the white bed and fell down on it, not caring if the staff were watching her through the monitors.

She just wanted peace.

As she was drifting off, a sharp pain was suddenly felt, and she jolted up.

“What the hell?!–” She stopped, as she saw two eyes glaring menacingly at her. Looking into those just made her stomach churn, before realizing that she was surrounded by phantoms.

Their menacing smile and their wide eyes were all on her.

When she looked back at the set of eyes, she was only met with the sight of her friends, dead.


Ashlyn gasped, as she jolted up, her eyes darting every corner of the room, failing to notice the blonde now sitting next to her. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked at him.

“A..Aiden..?” Ashlyn muttered, as she blinked multiple times to confirm if it was really Aiden.

“Yep! I'm Aiden!” He chuckled.

This blonde boy. Is inside this huge facility, with security guards. That boy, Aiden FUCKING Clark, is somehow in her room?


“I bribed the guards!” Aiden chuckled. Ashlyn looked at him, as if she was told that the world was ending by a 4 year old.

“Could you tell me how?” Ashlyn asked, looking at Aiden skeptically. “Because I know damn well, they will never be fully convinced by a teenager.” She added. Aiden blinked, as he recalled the situation.

“Mr. Clark?” Alex called out, opening the door. Aiden looked at him, before saying “Yeah, what's up?”

Alex cleared his throat, before approaching him. He whispered to him, “Mrs. Banner has been released from the room.”

For context, Alex has been telling the others updates about Ashlyn, without her knowing. It started Yesterday, when they found out after their shift. Ben was the one who threatened Alex to tell them about Ashlyn, and Alex instantly accepted it, not wanting to die all because of some teenagers.

Aiden's ears perked up, before he stood up and rushed outside to the door. Alex was taken aback, as he yelled out his name and yanked him by the collar of his shirt.

“Oh no, you aren't— hey!” Alex yelled, as he was kicked on the leg, which made him let go of the blonde and stumble back. Before he could stand properly, the blonde was out there and rushing to the hallways.

Chaos could be heard from afar, as evident by the screaming and yelling from the other guards.

Alex groaned, as he stood up and looked at the table, only to realize that his key card was gone.

“..I am definitely quitting—”

“ehh, no need to worry about it!” Aiden chuckled, smiling widely. Ashlyn raised a brow, before sighing. “You really are a walking headache..” Aiden gasped dramatically.

“I am not!” He protested.

The duo kept on talking, with Aiden saying random stuff and switching up topics every two seconds, and Ashlyn listening to them. She loved hearing his voice.

Their moment was interrupted, when the door suddenly slammed open, revealing one of the guards, and he looked pissed.

“You! Get over here!” The guard yelled.

“Whoops” Aiden half-chuckled, as he smiled nervously. Ashlyn was dumbfounded.

“Aiden– I thought you bribed the gua—”

“There's the kid that escaped!” Another one shouted from afar.

Ashlyn glared at Aiden, and he just smiled awkwardly.

Out of nowhere, the sharp pain came back again, and Ashlyn grimaced in pain. She tried to keep her composure, but the pain was too much to ignore.

As the guards and Aiden argued, her vision started to blur, everything was muffled out. The only sounds that she could hear were the loud ringing in her ears that made it painful for her.

And before she knew it, she passed out.



I'm too tired of putting [Ashlyn] at the end of the titles so I'll call this 'Dog Days' 🔥 (You'll find out sooner enough as we in dig deeper 😌)

And I'm making this a series and au now cause I like it ✌

So anyways, Dog Days AU!! Yippee! 2! 1! 1!! 1!! 1! 11! 1

Btw, a cookie for those who noticed my little detail I put in the writing 👀

(Hint: antecedent)

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