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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a week! Here's chapter 3. Enjoy! <3

The group sat in a circle, as Lila took her spot RIGHT NEXT TO KEEFE. I was jealous, but I don't even know why. It's not like she was trying to make a move on him.... right? Keefe looked at me and squeezed my hand, sending cool, blue breezes to calm me down. "Hey, Foster. Is that jealousy my powerful empath powers are sensing?" Keefe teased me. I looked into his eyes and slowly nodded. Keefe brought his hand to my face and started caressing it. I leaned into his hand and took a deep breath. "Foster, I promise-you have nothing to worry about," Keefe assured me.

"Really?" I said unsurely.

"Really," Keefe smiled. "Though it is nice to know that you get jealous once in a while," he laughed. Sophie's cheeks burned as she struggled to come up with a response.

"It's not my fault you're so handsome," Sophie tried. Keefe laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Or, maybe it's just my hair that everyone's obsessed with-including you," Keefe said as he grabbed her waist and put his head on top of hers.

"Mhm," Sophie said, suddenly sleepy. "Hey, Keefe?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, Foster?" Keefe murmured.

"I'm really sleepy. I don't think I want to play truth or dare. I just want to go to sleep," Sophie said and then yawned.

"Okay. Don't worry, Foster," Keefe said as Sophie laid her head down on his lap. Keefe picked her up bridal style and announced to the group: "Guys, Sophie's tired, so we're going to go to sleep early."

"Ok, we're all going to sleep in a big guest room," Biana said. "I'll lead you there." Biana stood up and Keefe followed her as they took twists and turns until they were finally at the bedroom. "There are your sleeping bags," Biana said, pointing at an ice blue and brown sleeping bag. Keefe nodded as he laid Sophie down on her sleeping bag and then went into his own sleeping bag. Sophie wasn't fully asleep, but it was nice to know what her boyfriend would do if she was actually sleeping. She was sleepy of course, but she had forgotten to brush her teeth. Sophie climbed out of bed, and tried to find the bathroom. She took too many twists and turns until she eventually gave up and tried to go downstairs. But as she passed Alden's office, she heard voices. Sophie ducked behind a rather large plant, as the two voices became clearer: A boy and a girl. As they came near her she realized she was looking at Lila and Fitz. What could they be planning? Sophie thought. She pulled out her iPod to record, because she had watched way too many spy movies back in the Forbidden cities. Sophie was careful not to make a sound as she watched Lila and Fitz argue.

"Look, I want Keefe and you want Sophie. All you need to do is feed Keefe lies about Sophie and I'll make sure that it all goes to plan," Lila said as she looked at her nails.

"Even though I want Sophie, I could never do that to Keefe!" Fitz argued.

"Don't even act like Keefe is your best friend," Lila retorted. "If he had to save you or Sophie, he would probably choose Sophie." Fitz's face turned angry for a split second and then he sighed.

"Yeah. He probably would," Fitz said as he walked away. Lila followed him as Fitz led them into his dad's office. How was Sophie going to spy on them now? She moved the plant closer to the office as she heard them continue to talk. "Fine. I'm in," Fitz said as he finished closing the door.

"Excellent," she heard Lila say. And even though Sophie couldn't see them, she assumed that Lila was grinning. "And once Keefe believes your lies, he will dump Sophie and realize that I'm the better option," Lila cackled. Sophie cringed. And just as I thought she couldn't get more evil. Sophie rolled her eyes.

"And then after Keefe dumps Sophie, she will come back to me and we'll live happily ever after with 3 kids named Cad, Calvin, and Mara," Fitz sighed dreamily. (A/N Fun fact the name Cad means arrogant, Calvin means bald or hairless, and Mara means bitter. No hate to anyone with those names!)

"Um, yeah sure," Lila said and Sophie assumed she rolled her eyes. "I think we better get back to the game or else people are going to be thinking we're like making out or something." Fitz gagged and opened the door. Lila sighed and hooked her arm with Fitz's and dragged him away. Sophie stood there in shock as she processed everything she heard. She had to tell Keefe before it was too late.


"Hey Foster, where were you? I was worried," Keefe said as he crushed her with a protective hug. Sophie sank into it, not trusting her voice to work. She had been on the verge of tears as she thought about what Fitz her friend- EX-friend -Sophie corrected herself- had just agreed to. "Hey what's wrong? Keefe asked as he lifted her chin up to face him. Sophie stared at his beautiful ice blue eyes and finally broke. She started sobbing. Keefe led her to her sleeping bag to sit, and started rubbing her back and kissing her forehead until she calmed down.

"F-F-Fitz... he agreed t-to w-work with L-Lila t-to try to break y-you and me up," Sophie said as her chin wobbled. "I-I recorded it on my IPod," Sophie told Keefe as she fished her iPod out of her pocket and handed it to him. Keefe stared at the IPod long after the video finished. He took Sophie's hand and squeezed it.

"I can't believe Fitz would do that," he said. "Especially after everything we've been through....." Keefe's face contorted into a look of anger. "I've known him ever since level 2 -(A/N Pls correct me if I'm wrong)- and even though we've drifted apart, I still thought we were close. Apparently not." Sophie gave him a sad look and hugged her boyfriend. This time Keefe sank into her hug.

"Keefe, I know. I can't believe he would do something like that," Sophie whispered as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. "But we still have our other friends. And we have each other," Sophie said as she pulled away and smiled sadly. Keefe nodded and kissed her.

"Now I know that I can't trust Fitz or Lila. I can only trust you, Foster," Keefe said looking at her intensely. Sophie blushed and cuddled with Keefe. He whispered words of encouragement as she started to fall asleep. The last thing she heard was Keefe whispering in her ear: "I love you." Sophie whispered, "I love you too." And then she fell asleep.

Another chapter done. YAYYY. Oop. I'm starting to sound like Linh... Though she rocks! I'll try to post soon! Bye bye, my fellow readers!


💕 𝒯𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝐹𝑜𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇-𝒦𝑒𝑒𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 💕Where stories live. Discover now