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Part 4. Here you go! 😊

Sophie woke up to Keefe's snoring. She smiled as she saw a bit of drool on the corner of his mouth. It reminded her of when she was a Level 2 at Foxfire. Keefe was teasing her because of the gift Valin had given her for midterms. She decided to get Keefe back by giving him a bottle of drooly dew so that he could be drooly too. But it turns out he drools when he sleeps. Sophie bit back a laugh as Keefe woke up. He had his arms wrapped around her waist, so he softly yanked Sophie back on her sleeping bag. Sophie squirmed as she laughed.

"Keefe, let go of me!" Sophie said, still laughing.

Keefe smirked. "Never, Foster! You're mine forever!"

Sophie grinned. "Yes. Yes, I am." Keefe smiled as Sophie kissed his cheek and snuggled closer to him. It had taken Sophie a while to realize that she loved Keefe back. -(A/N LITERALLY 9 BOOKS 😭)- But when Ro had told Sophie that Keefe had liked her for a long time, she finally reciprocated those feelings back to him.

"EEEEEEEEEE," Biana and Linh squealed, interrupting Sophie's thinking.

"I love seeing a Sokeefe moment!" Biana smirked. Sophie blushed and buried her head in the nook between Keefe's shoulder and neck. Linh squealed again and started jumping up and down with Biana. Keefe laughed and kissed Sophie's cheek. He knew that she hated kissing him with morning breath.

"Ok, ok. We get it, Keefe and Sophie are a sappy couple. We all know," Fitz said, clearly triggered. Biana stuck her tongue out at him, but Keefe and I looked at each other worried. Sophie opened her mind with Keefe.

(A/N Bold and Italics is Keefe and Sophie is italics)

When do you think Fitz is going to try to make you trust me less?

Soon, probably. Keefe sighed.

But Foster, I won't care what they say about you. That won't make me trust you less. I trust you with my life.

If it was just the two of them, Sophie would have melted into a puddle of goo.

I trust you with my whole life too, Keefe.

Then Sophie closed the connection.

"So," Dex started, "who wants breakfast?"

The group all agreed and went downstairs. But before Sophie could sit down, Biana came behind her and whispered in her ear, "Don't think I haven't forgotten about giving you a makeover this morning." Sophie groaned. Biana smiled deviously. "Oh, and Sophie?" Biana said, turning to look at Sophie, "you forgot to change into your pajamas last night."

Sophie looked at her clothes and realized Biana was right. She had slept in the red dress Biana had lent her. She shrugged and moved to sit down next to Keefe at the table. But before she could take her seat, Lila shoved her and sat down next to Keefe, while Fitz sat on Keefe's other side. Sophie winced. Keefe saw Lila shove Sophie and he looked ready to punch her in the face. But instead of doing that, he stood up and carried Sophie- bridal style.

"How could you push Sophie, Lila?" Keefe said, clearly furious with her. Lila whimpered.

"Why would I do that? I want to be friends with Sophie," Lila said, looking like she was on the verge of tears. "If I pushed her, I would have so much guilt, my mind would've broken." The rest of the group gathered around Lila.

"Why would you accuse her of something like that, Keefe?" Fitz asked angrily. Tam shook his head at Keefe, while Biana and Linh looked torn between who to trust. Dex gave a look of disgust at Lila and went next to Keefe.

"I saw Lila shove Sophie," Dex said to the group. "I can't believe you would take her side instead of Sophie and Keefe's side. We've only known Lila for, what a day? We've know Sophie and Keefe for years." Dex raged. Then he stomped upstairs and went into a bedroom. Keefe ran after him with Sophie in his arms.

"Hey Dex? Thanks for standing up for us," Keefe said, bringing Dex into a hug. Dex shrugged and smiled. But his smile faded as he looked at Sophie. Sophie had a big bruise on her forearm.

"Dex, I'm fine," Sophie tried to reassure him.

No, you're not, Sophie!" Keefe frowned, as he laid her down on the bed.

"Here, I'll get the Bruise Cruise," Dex said, going into a bathroom and coming back with a balm.

"Thanks," Keefe said as he gave Dex a half-smile.

"Anytime." Dex gave Keefe the balm and then went back downstairs to talk to the rest of the group.

"Keefe, I'm fine," Sophie said as she tried to sit up, but then winced at the pain in her arm.

"Look, Foster," Keefe said as he applied the cream to her bruise. "I'm pretty sure it's my job as your boyfriend to protect you and to worry about you." Sophie smiled and leaned in to kiss him, when he smirked and leaned back. "No, no, no, Foster. You see, I haven't brushed my teeth yet," Keefe smirked.

"KEEFE!!" Sophie yelled as he laughed. "Go brush your teeth, right now. Or no kisses for the rest of the week." Keefe's jaw dropped as he scrambled to the nearest bathroom. Sophie laughed and waited for him.

"There. My teeth are brushed," Keefe said as he opened his mouth to show her. "Happy?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Very." Keefe then leaned in to kiss her. Sophie closed the space. Every single time she kissed him the feeling never faded. It always felt like fireworks everywhere. (A/N I'm sorry if I didn't express the kiss that well, I've just never experienced it yet. #SinglePringle4eva!) Keefe pulled away and brushed the hair off her forehead.

"I still can't believe Lila would do something like that," Sophie said, still in shock. "I know she's infatuated with you, I just thought she wouldn't do anything physical, you know?"

Keefe nodded and wrapped his arms around Sophie. "That doesn't give her an excuse to just push my girlfriend to the floor. You are my everything, Sophie. And if something bad were to happen to you," Keefe's voice broke. Sophie kissed his cheek. "It's just that I thought that after everything with the Neverseen nothing would hurt you again," Keefe said.

Sophie frowned. "But I get hurt daily, like when I trip on the stairs or the floor, or literally anything!" Keefe let out a laugh.

"I meant that NOBODY would hurt you again," Keefe explained. "I know you get hurt daily, but I'm always there. Think of me like a safety net. A very hot safety net," Keefe smirked. Sophie sighed, but there was a hint of a smile in the corners of her mouth. "Come on, Fosterrr," Keefe said as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Just admit it. I'm the hottest elf you've ever seen."

Sophie playfully shoved him. Keefe pretended to be hurt. "That hurts Foster," Keefe said as he got back on the bed.

Sophie sighed. "Fine. You are the hottest elf I've ever seen," she agreed.

WOOOOO!!! Yes! Foster agrees!" Keefe yelled as he grabbed Sophie by her waist and showered her with kisses. Sophie rolled her eyes, though she did appreciate the kisses.

"Alright, let's go back and face our friends," Sophie said determinedly.

"Are you sure?" Keefe asked. "We could just stay here and cuddle," he offered.

"I'm sure. And we can cuddle later," Sophie said as she got up and pulled Keefe downstairs. All she knew is that she was not going to let Lila or Fitz push her around anymore. And she wasn't going to let them bully her anymore.

So, another chapter done. HURRAH! Be prepared for an epic makeover in the next chapter ;) Au Revoir!


💕 𝒯𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝐹𝑜𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇-𝒦𝑒𝑒𝒻𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 💕Where stories live. Discover now