The Second Choice

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Y/n sat alone on the swing set, dragging her shoe across the dirt every time her foot touched the ground. She had gotten wood chips in her shoes, but it didn't really matter to her anymore. That was a problem for later. She had been busy waiting for someone.

She had begun to zone out, wondering where the boy who had promised to come and who she'd been waiting for was. Too lost in her thoughts to see that that very boy had been sneaking up behind her. "Boo!" A young boy shouted, causing the girl to fall out of the swingset and onto her butt. The boy began giggling maniacally until he heard her say, "Ow..."

The boy quickly stopped his laughing fit, seeing that he had hurt her. "Oh! I'm sorry, Y/n. Are you alright?" He ran in front of her and held his hand out for her, encouraging her to take it. She grabbed it, and after he hoisted her up from off the ground. When she got done dusting her pants off, she playfully punched his arm. "Next time, it'll be you on the ground, Louis." He just looked at her with a smile. "I'll take your word for it, Y/n."

The two of them began walking towards a set of monkey bars. When the two of them reached them, Louis didn't hesitate to climb them and hang upside down. Y/n laughed at his behavior before she joined him, making sure to tuck her shirt in beforehand.

They both hung there for a while, looking at the world from an upside down perspective. Y/n then caught Louis' attention. "My mum said she had bought ice lollies. Would you like to come over and have some?" Louis looked at her excitedly, but someone else's voice cut off his response.

"Hey, Louis! Do you want to come play with me and my friends? We have some action figures, but not enough people to play with them?" Louis seemed to forget about Y/n's offer about the popsicles. He hopped down from the monkey bars, leaving Y/n alone. She propped herself up right, watching him walk away with the group of boys, not even bothering to say goodbye.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she heard one of the boys say he was better off with them rather than her. Y/n went home that day without Louis and a crestfallen attitude. Not even ice lollies could make her feel better after today.

Come year 7 (6th grade) Y/n's birthday had once again rolled around, and she couldn't be more excited as it was going to be her golden birthday. Her parents were strict as she hadn't been allowed to have a birthday party with outside guests before this one. But since it was her golden one, they would allow her to invite one guest to join her. Y/n knew exactly who she wanted to invite. Her best friend, of course! So, during lunch one day at school, she had walked over to where Louis was sitting and gave him an invite to her party.

"Of course, I'd love to go, Y/n!" Louis said. Y/n grinned. She was so excited to finally see what all the other kids got to experience when they threw birthday parties.

The day of her party, Y/n rushed home to help her parents set everything up. She imagined all the fun things her and Louis could do. Bounce on the trampoline together, smear frosting on each other's faces, and go in the sprinkler. Maybe her parents would even let them use water balloons!

So, Y/n sat in her room, watching her alarm clock, waiting for 4:30 to arrive. She could hardly contain herself. She had begged her parents to let the two of them use water balloons, and eventually, she had gotten them to agree.

As her clock hit 4:30 on the dot, she sprung up, rushing to the front door waiting for Louis to arrive. But as the minutes passed, no one showed. At first, she had just thought he was running late. Traffic was chaotic sometimes. But soon 4:30 turned to 5:00, and 5:00 to 5:15, and she dreadfully came to the realization that Louis wasn't going to be arriving. She noticed the water balloons still sitting outside, unused. She pictured the two of them out there. For a second, she felt a flash of anger but quickly reigned it back in. She realized that Louis probably just forgot. He was her best friend after all. He wouldn't skip her party on purpose, would he?

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