The Past

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Eiji and Jason were in complete shock. Issac knew who Nephilim was, and it was the mayor of all people. Eiji realized what exactly that implied since nobody knew who Archangel and Nephilim were.

"You're Archangel." Eiji said as Issac nodded.

"Yep. Damian, Nephilim, and I were a trio that shook this city to its core. Damian was the King of New Duivel, and Nephilim and I were extensions of his will." Issac said almost wistfully. Miranda rolled her eyes at her husband but one look at her and you could tell she liked seeing him looking so happy.

"Then Damian died. I had already left the underworld for the most part when Emily was born. The only reason I'd ever go back was if Damian called me for something, and when he died it was in his will that I should look after Jason. Jason's mom had died as well, so I didn't hesitate to take him in. I had no contact with Nephilim after that. He'd already been building a reputation in the city as a legitimate businessman. Out of the 3 of us he was the only one to never find something else to focus on. He is still obsessed with being the King of New Duivel." Issac explained as the others in the room listened intently.

"Nephilim was always a little paranoid. I think he feels like his power is threatened by the current gangs, so he wants to place his pawns in leadership positions in each gang. Or he's just planning on completely replacing each of the major gangs." Issac said as Eiji had a very bad feeling about Minato having attacked his gang.

"Anyway I think you 2 were the biggest factors in his decision." Issac said pointing at Jason and Eiji who were now confused.

"Eiji has power comparable to those of our times. Granted he's not close to Nephilim and I, but you're still young. You'll only get stronger from here. Then there's Jason the son of Damian Crowe. It's no wonder you worry Nephilim just with your existence. If you have the same potential as Damian then you could eventually beat Nephilim. I believe Nephilim was planning on killing all the gang leaders, Jason, and Emily with the bomb then replacing the gangs while they were weakened." Issac said as Jason and Eiji followed along. Meanwhile Miranda was shaking her head. She couldn't believe Issac had been dragged into another criminal conflict. But she also knew who she married and knew that under normal circumstances he wouldn't let anything happen to her or Emily.

"What about Emily? She's innocent in all of this." Eiji asked as Issac looked down.

"No she isn't. At least to Nephilim she isn't. She's my daughter and has shown herself to be athletic. Nephilim wouldn't risk her going against him in the future either." Issac said as Jason and Eiji couldn't believe what he was saying. Emily hadn't shown any interest in the criminal underworld. Hell she didn't like Jason being a part of it. Yet Issac thought that Nephilim still saw her as a potential threat.

"Can you tell us the entire story of you and the others? I've heard a few things from my father but I'd rather hear the whole story from you." Eiji asked as Jason nodded.

"Yeah I want to know more about my dad. And about Nephilim so I can beat the hell out of him." Jason said as Issac sighed.

Flashback 3rd person POV:

New Duivel was still a cesspool of crime. A black haired boy ran from a store clutching something under his arms. An employee chased after the boy, but gave up after a few minutes. The boy kept running before eventually coming to a back alley with a small cardboard house set up in it. He sat under the cardboard and looked at what he stole from the store. It was a single loaf of bread, and it was the most good the boy had seen in a few days.

Before the boy could start eating the bread he heard footsteps where the street was. He looked up and saw another boy with dirty blonde hair walking down the alley. The brown haired kid put the bread behind him and got up defensively. The blonde noticed the bread and his eyes went wide. He looked at the black haired kid with wild eyes, and as fast as a kid could he was running towards the bread. The black haired kid tried to grab the blonde, but the blonde ducked and grabbed the loaf of bread before running off. The black haired kid chased the blonde to the other end of the alley. The chase continued out of the other side of the alley, and through the streets and alleys of Downtown. The kids desperation was keeping them running because they both needed that bread.

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