The Smartest Of The Dinosaurs:

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"Boy's get behind me". Buck instructed, putting his arms out protectively as Crash and Eddie immediately did as told.

They all watched as a pinkish red colored dinosaur with a large frill came out from behind the bushes, flocked by a group of the same creatures that had attacked the twins earlier.

"I thought I smelled more mammals". The Dino taunted, stopping a few feet away from Buck's group.

"Orson! I banished you to lava falls years ago, what are you doing here?". Buck asked angrily. It seemed the weasel and Dino had a history of sorts.

"Well I got bored, so I thought up a plan to escape, courtesy of my big brain here". The Dino called Orson explained casually as he showed off a big bulb-like thing protruding from the back of his head.

"Roger, who is this guy?". Crash whispered to Roger nervously.

Orson locked eyes with the blue eye possum harshly. "I'm Orson!, Smartest of the dinosaurs!".

Roger rolled his eyes. "That is highly debatable, but whatever you say Shmorson".

Crash and Eddie giggled as Orson growled angrily. "You know Rog, you'd be a good asset to my team considering your superior sight, too bad you're wasting your time hanging out with filthy mammals".

"I don't exactly enjoy the company of Dino's who kill for petty revenge". Roger argued boldly, clearly remembering his father's petty reasons for initially wanting to kill Buck.

Orson shrugged. "Your loss, guess I'll have to add some new members to my drop goes the weasel game".

Seeing that no one was particularly threatened, Orson sighed. "Get it?, Cause I was originally just gonna kill Buck, but now I got two more mammals to add to my list".

"Yeah, we got it!". Roger cut in furiously, still glaring at Orson.

"This isn't over Orson!". Buck called out as Orson climbed on top of one of his raptor minions.

"You're right about that Bucky, It's only just getting started". The evil Dino replied darkly, staring at Crash and Eddie with a smirk.

Once Orson and his posse had left, Crash turned towards Buck, "He's pleasant".

Buck sighed and patted Crash's head affectionately. "Come on, let's head to my place for the night".

Buck led the way to a decently sized cave and allowed the possums to settle themselves down before telling the tale of how Orson's villainy came to be.

Years ago (But just a few months before his infamous scuffle with Rudy) Buck, along with his old teammates came across Orson and proposed that because of his relativity high intelligence he should become a member of their team.

Orson had refused the offer, claiming that mammals didn't belong in the Lost World and should be solely ruled by the dinosaurs once more.

Months passed as Orson began his reign of terror in the Lost World, even going as far as to gather up a group of his own minions in an attempt to defeat Buck's group.

The dino eventually set up a trap for the mammal group, killing them all except for Buck and his friend Zee.

Buck and Zee gained the upper hand in the fight and banished Orson and his followers to Lava Falls (and not the nice one either).

Buck had assumed that the isolation would cause Orson to regret his actions and have a change of heart. Unfortunately the alone time caused Orson to grow angrier and more vengeful than ever before.

Once Buck finished his story Crash looked outside of their cave nervously. "Do you think Orson will really try to hurt us?".

Buck frowned sympathetically. "Unfortunately it does sound like it".

Crash frowned and pulled Eddie towards him, hugging him protectively as Buck put on a grin. "But not to worry, we'll figure out a plan tomorrow. for now we rest!".

Some odd hours later Buck, Roger and Eddie (despite a possums natural nocturnal state) eventually fell asleep, leaving Crash alone, deep in thought.

A few hours later some rustling could be heard from outside the cave, causing Crash to jump slightly in fear.

The older possum got to his feet and looked back at his friends for a second before deciding to venture outside of the cave to investigate, not realizing the danger waiting for him.

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