Possum Vs Dino:

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"Geez, this place is rough". Eddie mumbled as he and his brother hid behind a rock when they arrived at Lava Falls.

The falls were bordered by sharp lava rock whilst four flowing falls cascaded somewhere down below.

At least fifty raptors were scattered around, some fighting with one another and other's keeping watch. The ones fighting amongst each other seemed rather sickly and not as dangerous.

"There's Orson!". Crash whispered, pointing out to the right side of the second lava fall.

Eddie followed his brother's gaze and saw Orson standing at the base of the falls where a ledge lay out. A spindly, dead looking tree stood rooted at the very edge.

"He's gonna push Buck and Zee into the lava!". Eddie whispered, seeing the cage hanging from the tree precariously.

Crash stood up and took out his makeshift spitball device, loading it up with a berry. "Not if we stop him first!".

The boys scurried across the slick rocks until they were a few feet away from where Orson stood, Crash looked up towards the cage holding his friends.

Buck's remaining eye widened as he saw the twins. "Get out of here!". the weasel mouthed frantically.

Crash shook his head and pressed his finger to his lips before spitting a berry directly at Orson's protruding brain.

The brainiac dinosaur snarled and whipped around to face Crash with a sneer.

"Sup Orson?". Crash announced with a smirk.

Orson growled and turned away from Buck and Zee's cage to round on Crash who promptly hid behind another rock with Eddie.

"What do we do now?". the younger twin asked urgently, peeking out from the rock to keep his eyes on Orson.

"I'm gonna keep Orson distracted while you free Buck and Zee". Crash explained, loading up another explosive berry.

Seeing Eddie's fear at such a big task Crash laid a paw against his brother's cheek. "Hey, I got your back".

Eddie sighed but put on a brave face. "Alright, let's do this!".

Crash nodded and sidled out from the left of their hiding spot while Eddie took the right side, closest to Buck and Zee's cage.

Crash blew another berry in Orson's direction. "You wanted me Shmorson, now come and get me!".

The possum started running in the opposite direction until he nearly skidded off one of the lava pit ledges.

Orson chuckled evilly as Crash nearly slipped from the edge of the ledge. "You shouldn't have come here Crash, now you're gonna watch as my raptors tear your brother to pieces".

Crash turned and looked on helplessly as Eddie was visibly struggling to reach the top of the flimsy tree. Five raptors were snapping and snarling at his ankles. "Eddie!".

Orson advanced on Crash until his tail whipped out, hitting the possum square in the stomach and sending him off the edge of the cliff.

The possum barely managed to hang onto the ledge as he dangled above the bubbling lava pit.

"Orson, Please!". Crash stuttered as Orson bent over him tauntingly.

"Night night possum". Orson mocked, using his foot to dislodge Crash's grip on the rocks, sending the terrified possum off the cliff and thudding onto another ledge below.

Crash groaned and startled as Orson looked down at him and jumped down with him.

Crash grappled for Buck's knife and looked up as Eddie, Buck and Zee appeared on the other side of the lava pit.

"Get to the ledge Crash!". Eddie yelled, pointing to a small ledge about fifty feet away.

Crash got up and booked it over to the ledge, almost managing to grasp Eddie's and Buck's paws as Orson grabbed his ankle, dragging him back down the rocks.

Crash kicked himself free and scurried up a tall spindly tree until he was crouched over one of the lower branches of the tree.

Crash was thankful Orson couldn't reach him but now he was trapped on one of the branches hanging over the lava flow.

The branch creaked dangerously while he wrapped his tail around it to hold himself steady.

"Help!". he shouted, looking towards his brother and friends as they helplessly watched on.

Just as the branch gave way Crash saw a blur of red and blue and he was suddenly picked up in sharp talons.

The possum was gently deposited on the main ground and he flopped onto his back, breathing heavily as he looked at who saved him...

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